Chapter 15: Media Day

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Echo wasn't really the type to feel nervous. She'd always had a cool kind of confidence, and she'd stopped caring what people thought of her a long time ago, so there was never really a reason to be nervous. But today was different.

Media Day for the race was set to begin in twenty minutes, and Miss Nowhere had failed to mention that all the interviews they'd be doing were live. Echo and the rest of the crew had thought they were just pre-recording everything, so if they messed up there would be multiple takes. But no. Instead, they'd be broadcasted live for the whole world to watch.

She'd gone over all the details in her cover story countless times and knew everything there was to know about 'Gwen Thomas,' but the thought of being in front of a camera on live television made Echo's stomach turn. Not to mention the fact that she had to meet up with Shashi at some point and fill him in on the mission. She'd seen him from a distance a few times, once when his team was being interviewed, and again over by the refreshments table, but there hadn't been an opportunity to talk yet. Echo was starting to worry there wouldn't be, with so many cameras and reporters around.

A loud "next" from one of the media coordinators pulled Echo out of her thoughts. She looked up to see a man beckoning her and the rest of the crew over to the live setup. There were two couches for the teams to sit on and a comfy chair where the interviewer was seated, holding a microphone and watching the director intently for cues. One would think after all the villains they'd faced, a simple media crew couldn't be remotely intimidating, but they all looked so serious and cold, like they were just waiting for someone to screw up.

Thankfully, their interviewer looked at least somewhat cheery. She was pretty, with a dazzling smile and grey eyes that stood out against her dark complexion. She waved at the team as Miss Nowhere ushered them to the couches, but there was no time for any pre-show introductions. Barely 10 seconds after they sat down, the director started the countdown to 'return from commercial.'


"Welcome back, fans!" The interviewer said in a cheery tone, smiling at the camera. "If you're just tuning in, I'm Shayna Queens with Racing Worldwide. It's time to meet another Grand Prix Team! Empire Motorsports, thanks for joining us!"

Echo and the rest of the crew smiled and greeted Shayna, as well as addressing the camera like Miss Nowhere had taught them.

"So," Shayna continued. "Tell us about yourselves! Names, your role, how you all came together?"

After that, the interview went by quickly. It had been a lot more natural than Echo had expected, thanks to Shayna being so charismatic. Layla had been a big help, too. She was a natural on camera- probably from her experience with announcing SH1FT3R races. Miss Nowhere hadn't killed any of them yet, so it was safe to assume no one had said anything wrong. But Echo couldn't breathe just yet- she still had to talk to Shashi.

Since they didn't have any more scheduled interviews, Miss Nowhere told the crew they could split up and just hang around the atrium, but to be ready in case any freelance reporters wanted a picture or a quote. Echo took this as her cue.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," she told her friends, and then began searching the crowd for any sign of Shashi. She hoped he wasn't with the rest of his team because she didn't have a good excuse as to why they knew each other, but there was a good chance he would be due to the interviews.

There were so many people around that Echo was starting to lose hope of finding Shashi until the press died down, but as it turned out, she wouldn't have to. He ended up finding her as she stood at the refreshment table, snacking on a chocolate chip cookie.

"Fancy seeing you here," Shashi said, coming up beside her.

Echo almost choked on the cookie.

"Hey," she coughed out in reply. "I've been looking all over for you."

"Yeah, I know," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "I was kind of following you..."

"What? Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"I was waiting till you were out of the crowd. You know, since the reason we're meeting up is 'confidential,' and all."

"Right," Echo turned around and leaned against the refreshment table. "Miss Nowhere agreed to let you help with the mission. But just a heads up, she probably won't let you get involved as much as you'd like- she's still paranoid about whether trusting you was the right move."

"Really? Wasn't my supposed death on your last mission enough to prove I've changed?"

"Apparently not. She won't even let Layla talk to you because she thinks you guys used to date and that you'd play with her emotions and then blackmail us."

"What? Ugh, no- no offense to Layla but everything back then was strictly professional, there's no way we would've been together."

"Yeah, that's what Layla said, too, but you know how Miss Nowhere can be," Echo said. "Anyway, we heard there's some kind of VIP party for the top five finishers after each leg. Have you been to one?"

"VIP party?" Shashi frowned. "No one's mentioned anything about it to me...who'd you hear that from?"

"Really? Um, Beck Cassidy...he said something to Layla about it."

"The hot-shot from Okada's team?" Shashi scoffed, shaking his head. "My bet is he's just trying to play Layla. He's intimidated since they're the two youngest drivers and he's trying to get her to show up somewhere she shouldn't be so she gets in trouble."

Echo raised an eyebrow.

"Either that or he's into her, and she'll show up to this 'party' to find out it's just her and Beck," Shashi continued with a shrug. "Ha- I'd pay to see that. Layla would kick his ass. Unless Toretto got to him first- remember how jealous he got when I showed up at the garage after getting out of jail?"

"Shashi, focus."

"Right, my bad. So...yeah, anyway, no party. Unless Okada was planning on hosting the first one after this leg of the race. If that's the case, I guess it would make sense for Beck to know about it already."
Echo sighed.
"Okay. At least that gives me some kind of intel for Miss Nowhere. Thanks, Shashi."
" that all you wanted to talk about?"
"Well, yeah, I guess?"
Echo wasn't exactly sure what Shashi meant, but his expression looked somewhat disappointed.
"No, I mean, I get it- the mission and all. I just thought, um....ah, never mind," Shashi looked away and began scanning the assortment of foods on the refreshment table.
Oh. Oh. Echo didn't know what to say. Or how to feel. Where was this even coming from? It wasn't like she and Shashi had ever really talked that much before last night.
"Oh, um," Echo started, choosing her words carefully. "That's the thing. The mission- we have to keep our cover. Don't you think it'd be a little suspicious if we're suddenly all buddy-buddy?"
Shashi raised an eyebrow, but his gaze did seem to soften slightly.
"Fair," he agreed. "But if that's the case, how am I supposed to help you guys with this thing?"
Echo pursed her lips. Shashi was right- he would be a lot more help if they could meet for longer, and with the whole crew present. Maybe she was being too paranoid. It wasn't out of the ordinary for the racing teams to intermingle right? And she was wearing a disguise, so...

"It would be easier if we didn't have to keep things on the downlow as much," Echo said slowly. "And I guess you're not too bad to hang out with. I'll talk to Miss Nowhere- see if she'll let you meet with the rest of the crew."

"So we'll meet up again...say, tonight?"

"Don't you think it'd be easier if I just text you?"

"Oh, so you're asking for my number?"

  "Funny. You can't say stuff like that if you do get to come to a meeting with the crew. Miss Nowhere will think I've gone soft."

Shashi grinned.

  "Have you?"

  "No, fool," Echo crossed her arms, trying her best to harden her expression as she handed Shashi her phone. "Just shut up and put your number in."

"Alright, alright, I'm doing it," Shashi said, smirking as he added his contact. He handed Echo's phone back. "There you go."

"Cool. I should probably get back," Echo replied, starting to turn away.

"Do you even know where the rest of your crew went?" Shashi asked, watching Echo scan the crowd.

"They've gotta be around somewhere, I'll find them."

Shashi didn't look convinced, and Echo wasn't exactly sure herself, to be honest. They were done with all their required interviews for the day and it wasn't like Miss Nowhere was the easiest person to hang out with, so her friends had probably wandered off to find other things to do around the hotel. It might take her a while to find them, especially if they'd split up.

"I'll help you look," Shashi offered. "I haven't had much of a chance to see the rest of the hotel yet, so I was planning on getting out of here anyway."

Echo hesitated. She wanted to say yes, but if they did run into Layla and the guys, she'd never hear the end of it from them about why she was hanging out with Shashi. And if they saw Miss Nowhere, she'd probably tell Echo she was jeopardizing the mission or something. On the other hand, when had she ever really cared about what Miss Nowhere and the crew thought? She always did her own thing- why did this have to be any different?

"Um, okay, sure," Echo told Shashi. "Where to first?"

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