Chapter 24: A New Ally

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POV Layla

Layla was still upset with Miss Nowhere and she was sure the feeling was mutual, so the last thing she'd wanted to do was go talk to her about the plan Echo had come up with. Fortunately, Echo had done most of the talking, and Miss Nowhere seemed pleased with their idea.

Now, they were heading down the grand staircase on high alert. An announcement had been sent out to all the teams that media personnel and law enforcement had gathered in the main lobby of the hotel. The announcement had specifically encouraged them to stay away from the lobby, preferably in their rooms, unless officially called in for questioning by the police. So naturally, the spy racers were doing the opposite.

"How are we going to get Shayna away from all the other media?" Layla whispered to Echo as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "We can't risk them overhearing. Too many people looking into whatever clue we give her could make the whole plan backfire."

"Right. I've got an idea, just follow my lead," Echo replied.

She didn't offer Layla any more explanation as they weaved through the crowded lobby, searching for Shayna Queens. It was a zoo, with reporters, cameras and police officers everywhere. There was a line at the front desk and the clerks behind the counter were so overwhelmed that one of them was sweating through his button down shirt. The place was a mess compared to the sophisticated atmosphere they'd walked into a few days prior.

Echo finally spotted Shayna near the restrooms. She was speaking with another reporter while they looked over a notebook. As she and Echo got closer, Layla mentally recited the new names and bios Miss Nowhere had provided them. Aside from the robbery, Layla's win was the other main story reporters were trying to cover, so going down into the lobby as "Madison West" would've completely derailed the plan. Now, she and Echo were posing as fans who happened to be staying at the hotel. Instead of wigs, they now wore their natural hair, though Miss Nowhere had made them wash out their signature dye colors. Layla's hair wasn't in its usual ponytail either, which she surprisingly didn't mind. Hopefully, the subtle changes would be enough to keep Shayna from recognizing them right away.

"Alright, here goes nothing," Echo muttered as they approached. Her whole demeanor suddenly transformed into that of a peppy school-girl, eyes wide with excitement and her voice pitched up almost a whole octave. "O-M-G, Shayna Queens?"

Shayna turned in surprise at Echo's outburst, flashing an awkward smile as Echo practically bounced up and down with excitement. Layla was so going to kill her later for choosing this personality for their cover, but she tried her best to match Echo's energy.

"Um, hi? Who are you? And what are you girls doing down here? The lobby is supposed to be media only right now," Shayna sounded more worried than mad, glancing around at the crowd.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," Echo replied hurriedly. "But I'm just such a big fan of yours and I had to meet you. I figured this was the best time to try because I knew everyone reporting on the Grand prix would be here."

Shayna's expression softened a little at Echo's mention of being a big fan.

"'re not in the race then? I did think you both looked a bit young."

"Oh no, we're just big racing fans. And we both want to do sports journalism, like you!" Echo continued, glancing at Layla with an excited expression. "We got tickets for this round as Christmas presents. I can't believe what happened with the robbery!"

"Yes, it was unexpected to say the least. We're doing everything we can to find leads and suspects. The police are trying to work with us, as I'm sure you saw," Shayna gestured to the group of law enforcement towards the front of the lobby. She sighed. "Which is exactly why you girls shouldn't be down here. I would hate for you to get in trouble just because you wanted to meet me."

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