Chapter 11: Catching up

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POV Echo

The Grand Atrium was mostly empty when Echo arrived downstairs. There were a few people still milling around, along with some waiters serving the last of the champagne and hors-d'oeuvres.
Echo got herself a glass, not to drink, but so she could look inconspicuous while scanning the area for Shashi or one of his teammates. She'd assumed that after recognizing her, Shashi would be looking for her as well. It was a bargain, but thankfully Echo was right. She only waited about two minutes before she saw Shashi come around the corner of a hallway across the room.

She hadn't had much time to come up with a plan of how to approach Shashi, so Echo's only strategy right now was to act casual and hope Shashi made the first move. She watched as he accepted a glass of champagne from a server and began moving across the room at a leisurely pace, glancing to his left and right every now and then. Looks like he's searching for someone, Echo thought. Hopefully that's a good sign. A moment later, Shashi caught her eye and raised his glass. Echo returned the gesture, and he began walking towards her.

"We meet again," Shashi said good-naturedly, leaning on the arm of the sofa Echo was standing next to. The greeting could have a double meaning if Shashi had in fact recognized her, but she had no way of knowing for sure.

"I'm surprised you're not busy with an interview," Echo replied casually. "Letting the rest of your team handle the cameras tonight?"

Shashi chuckled.

"Nope, no interviews tonight. Okada told the press to back off until tomorrow- we needed a break."

"Yeah, must be hard being the number one team in the race," Echo said sarcastically, earning a scowl from Shashi.

"You'll understand after media day's over," he replied. "It's not as easy as we make it look."

"Right," Echo smirked and raised an eyebrow. "So what did you think of the course? Are you gonna make that look easy too?"

Shashi set his champagne glass down on a small table next to the sofa.

"To be honest, I don't really remember much of that video at all," he said, looking out across the atrium. Then, he turned and gazed directly into Echo's eyes. "I was a little...distracted."

Echo held his gaze, furrowing her brow slightly and ignoring the fact that for some reason, her face felt hot. Why does it feel like he's flirting with me, she wondered, suddenly becoming very aware of the Pico camera on her jacket. The thought of her whole crew listening to this conversation made Echo want to run right out of the hotel and bury herself in the freshly fallen snow. But, no matter how embarrassing it had become, she had to finish the mission.

"Distracted, huh?" Echo repeated, looking down at her glass and swirling the champagne a few times. "By what?"

"Not what- who," Shashi spoke in a low voice, not taking his eyes off her. "I know it's you, Echo. And I know you know who I am."

Got him, Echo silently congratulated herself. She'd confirmed that Shashi had recognized her, and he hadn't tried to incapacitate her yet- so far so good.

"Okay, then let's cut to the chase," Echo said. "Why are you here, Shashi? And how? I thought you were, ya know..."

She was careful not to say 'we,' as it was still unclear whether he knew the rest of the crew was at the hotel too.

"Dead?" Shashi finished the sentence for her. "Yeah, I thought I was a goner too. But after your crew went up in the elevator, I found an air shaft in the ship. It was completely flooded, but I was able to swim through it and up to the top floor where the water hadn't gotten in yet. I jumped out right before the whole thing exploded."

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