Lost and Found

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Stiles's jeep was messy. Empty bags of chips littered the floor and dust coated the window buttons. Scott called shotgun and I clambered into the back. The appearance of the jeep related in no way to how it ran. As soon as Stiles turned the key in the ignition, the jeep roared to life, purring smoothly. We set off. Stiles and Scott whispered back and forth in the front. I set my head on the windowsill, watching the trees whoosh by. I shivered, goosebumps scaling my arms.
"Stiles can you turn the heat up?" I ask. He snorts.
"It's all the way up Nani." I go quiet again and I look back out the window, even when I feel Scott's eyes on the back of my head. Finally, the car came to a halt.
"We have to walk the rest of the way." Stiles says.
"Your jeep is all terrain." Scott grumbles. Stiles kicks the door open and jumps out. Scott and I do the same. Even when I dive into the humid spring air, I still feel chills on the back of my neck. We walk further and further into the woods, the trees towering taller and the leaves getting thicker. At last, we stopped on a little bump in the road that looked down on a scrawny brown shack.
"C'mon. Lydia and Kira have to be in there." Scott says. A whisper plays over and over in my head. It's a trap. It's got to be a trap. I shut it out just as the words flash across my mind: They're here for you.

A/N: sorry I haven't been writing lately! I have been super busy and having trouble with ideas. Pretty please keep reading! I currently have 88 followers and that's just radical!!! Thanks a bunch!

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