The Creature's Hoodie

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Chapter three:

It wasn't the creature. In fact, the person wasn't even wearing a veil. He was wearing a large grey sweatshirt.

"Hi." He said, closing the door softly behind him. Lydia's stony expression twitched a little bit but stayed the same as he entered the room. "Who's she?" He asked. I pulled the blanket away from my face.

"We don't know. She didn't tell us." Kira shrugged. I nodded in agreement. I didn't tell them anything because I didn't trust them, which I didn't. I just couldn't remember my name. The boy kneeled down next to me, holding out his dusty hand.

"I'm Stiles." I hesitated before finally taking his hand and shaking it with a loose grip. Suddenly, I felt a word trying to break through my sealed lips. With difficulty, I blurted.

"I'm Nani."

A/N: Nani is pronounced Non-E! I got the name from my best friend who has a sister who has a friend named that (: haha. I think it's a beautiful name.

Everyone looked surprised, mouths gaping and eyes wide.

"T-That's a beautiful name." Stiles sputtered, exchanging glances with Lydia. Lydia stood up, breaking the awkward silence.

"We should let NANI sleep." She declared, shooing Kira and Stiles. They trotted into the kitchen, away from our eyesight. She bent to my eye level and whispered to me while fluffing up the uncomfortable, flat pillows.

"You look startled." She muttered.

"I do?" I croaked back. She hesitated before shaking her head and giving the blanket a final pull to cover my shoulders.

"Just sleep." She whispered. She smiled softly and tip toes out the room, dimming the light on the way out.


I could see the silloute of my mother up ahead. I could see the struggle of her breaths as the air around her got thicker. It was going to kill her to get to me.

"Mom!" I cried, tearing at my hair. My hand was slowly slipping off the knob of the back door. She had commanded me to make a quick escape but I was doubting my obedience now.

"Nani go!" She roared over the pounding of the front door. The house was swaying as the window howled, sending loose autumn leaves slapping into the windows. The constant creaking of the now unstable planks of the floors and the moaning of the surrounding trees were so loud now, I could barely hear my own heart pounding. Suddenly, dust ran from the ceiling and the door gave way, slamming into my mother and sending her flying.

"Mom!" I wailed. Just before I turned my back to run, I saw it.

The figure.

A/N: spooky! WHOOO! Bye now (;

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