Run Girl Run

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Chapter Four:

"Wake up Nani." I heard Stiles hiss. I moaned loudly, attempting to pull the blankets back up my body. Stiles growled and with one swift motion, the blankets were on the floor.

"What do you want." I snapped, tangling my fingers through my hair. Clumps of dirt clung onto most of the strands, breaking away from the messy braid Lydia had given me.

"We need to go." I rolled my eyes. Stiles grabbed my wrist and dug his nails into my arm. "Now." His tone sent me flying off the couch. My nose began to work against the wind, taking in the stench that wafted in from the windows. How could I have been so stupid?

"Stiles we have to run." My voice shakes.

"That's what I'm saying you idiot!" He says sarcastically. His hand was still curled around my wrist as we ran for the front door, which was propped open with a broom. We made a break for it, but the broom's flimsy form snapped in two. I screeched to a half, digging my heels into the newly polished tile. There goes the new paint job.

"There's a back exit." Stiles tells me, pointing through the kitchen. He squints, his face distorting. "If we can make it, we can escape." I nod, feeling nervous. I know what we're running from is looking for me somehow.

"We need to be quiet." I say. He makes a small noise of agreement and slips off his sneakers. They're ragged and falling apart.

"Let's go." He grabs my elbow and pulls me forward, his socked feet barely making but a soft pat on the floor. Finally, we are inside the kitchen. It's empty. The fridge is left swinging open and a decorative lamp is on its side, flickering like mad. We keep moving. The air feels thick and hostile.

"Where are Lydia and Kira?" I whisper. He shrugs, looking flustered. The back door is in sight now, the glass fogged over, imbedded in little ice crystals.

"Nearly there." He swings it open, hustling us out the door and into the frozen blades of grass, just as the stove bursts into flames with a deafening roar.

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