He Had It Coming

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Chapter Five:

The fire fighters and police swarm around the property. A nurse of some sort dabs a wet washcloth against my clammy forehead. I push her away gently.

"I'm good thanks." I smile sweetly. She clicks her tongue and struts away. My eyes search the bustling crowd for Stiles. I find him having a heated discussion with one of the police officers. A golden sheriff's badge shimmer on his shirt pocket. So excuse me, he was having a heated discussion with the sheriff.

"Dad, I swear I didn't do it. Scott is on his way now and we're gonna get to the bottom of this." Dad? "See Nani, tell him that it wasn't me this time."

"This time?" I snort. Stiles guffaws loudly and motions for me to get on with it. "Oh yeah sir, it wasn't him, I swear." I shake my head. The sheriff raises an eyebrow and walks away, his boots tapping on the concrete.

"That's your dad?" I ask.

"Yeah." He smiles with a glimmer of pride in his green eyes. (A/N: are his eyes green? I think they are) After a long period of silence, I blurt,

"What is a Scott?" Stiles chuckles.

"He's a friend of mine. He's a-" He hesitated, shooting me a glance. "You'll see." Suddenly, I feel a soft breath on my neck. I stiffen, my fists clenching. It all happens in slow motion. Stiles' mouth moves to form a loud 'no!' As I swing my fist into the space behind me. It connects with a face. The black haired boy tumbles to the ground, holding his nose, wincing. I cup my hands over my mouth.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" He holds his nose towards the sky, trying to slow the trickle of blood.

"Stiles, a little help here." The boy grunts. Stiles makes a soft hissing sound and helps the boy up. The boy breathes in deeply, wiping his nose on his sleeve. The bloody nose had stopped, leaving just a soft red stain on his upper lip.

"That is a Scott." Stiles says quietly. I smile meekly, holding out my hand. The boy gives his non bloodied hand to me and I shake it. His nose is crooked, the bone seems curved.

"We have to get you to the hospital your nose is broken!" I gasp, trying to hoist him up and drag him along. He dug his heels into the gravel and resisted.

"No I'm okay, seriously." He laughs. I look up and his nose is beginning to snap into perfect shape. I feel my jaw swing open as I stare at Scott.

"What? How?" I stammer.

"This is Scott. He's a.. He's a werewolf."

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