How Suspicious

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Chapter Six:

P.O.V - Lydia and Kira

There was a soft shuffle in the darkness.
"Lydia?" Kira croaks, trying to reach her hand out. They were tied back by a rusty chain.
"Kira I can't move." Lydia whispered back, her voice cracking. The jingle of chains sounded from across the room. It was suddenly cut off with a breath of fear. A slithering approached from the shadows, the noise nearing closer and closer. Suddenly, a slimy claw curved onto Kira's cheek. She shivered, whimpering.

"W-What do you want with us?" Lydia asked boldly. The slithering form turned it's glowing eyes onto Lydia. It gave a hiss.

"Why dearie, you are the bait." A strange accent accompanied the words. Lydia couldn't quite place it. The presence left. She sat back up against the wall, feeling cold rush up her toes and she fell back to the sleep, listening to the soft sound of Kira's snores.

POV - Nani

A werewolf? Honestly, it wasn't the worst thing I had heard today. I decided to just bend my lower lip in interest and nod my head slowly, trying to keep my wide, surprised eyes under control.

"You look sick. Are you going to be sick?" Scott asks. I shake my head and take a gulp of air. I realized I had forgotten to breathe.

"So if you're a werewolf.." I stared at Stiles, who was rocking back and forth on his heels. "What are you?"

"I'm the smart guy who's kind of an asshole." Stiles replied stupidly, looking proud. Scott made a noise of agreement, somewhere between a sigh and a snicker.

"And what are you?" Scott asks. I shrug, hesitating. I scrap the edges of my mind for a clever response. They're both staring at me. I lick my lips and say,

"I'm really not sure." They look sort of relieved that I didn't take the humor path. Before one of them can answer, Stiles's dad walks up behind him and claps him on the shoulder. Stiles jumps. His dad's walkie talkie is vibrating so much it's starting to smoke.

"Stiles, you said Lydia and Kira are missing right?" He muttered. Scott's eyes go wide. Obviously we forgot to tell him that. Stiles nods.

"Someone went on a walk today in the forest, near the abandoned warehouse. They saw suspicious characters enter the building but after an hour, they never reappeared." His dad then walked away, his hands in his pockets. Stiles exchanged glances with Scott and I. Scott is rubbing his palms together nervously and Stiles is grinning like a maniac.

"My jeep is out back. Let's go!"

A/N: hi! Sorry I haven't been active. School.... Bleh! I just finished all the available Netflix seasons of parks and rec and now I don't know what to do with my free time. Be sure to vote and add to your reading list! Thanks!

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