Nani's Tea

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Chapter two (P.O.V - Nani, the unknown fainting girl.)

My eyelids felt like they were glued together. But my hands felt like stone, so I couldn't pry then open. Instead, I used sheer willpower to finally wake myself up. When I opened my eyes, there were still dots swimming on the edges of my vision. But in clear sight, I saw the girl from the trail, joined by a short, black haired girl.

"Kira, go get her some tea." The red haired girl barked. Kira nodded silently and scurried off for the kitchen. Soon, the distant clatters of silverware were heard and the red haired girl returned her attention to me. "Are you alright?" She asked, her lips pursed.

"Yes." I answered, my voice sounding hallow. She looked a bit concerned at the emptiness in my voice but she seemed to dismiss it quickly as Kira walked in, her hands carefully curled around a steaming, blue mug. She shoved it into my hands. I raised it to my lips, trembling at the amount of heat escaping the surface. It smelled like mint, sharp and soothing. I took a sip and I instantly felt myself perk up, sitting up a little straighter.

"How are you feeling?" The red haired girl asked. I shrugged, cuddling back down into the blankets. All of the eyes were on me and it didn't feel natural.

"Don't overwhelm her, Lydia. It's not healthy." Kira snapped. I nodded in agreement, diving us into silence. I finished off my tea, leaving a stale minty taste in my mouth. I smacked my lips as they relaxed in their chairs, Lydia surveying her chipped, pink nails and Kira running her finger through her hair. I took advantage of this moment and scanned the room. The walls were a pale yellow and the lights were dimmed, slightly hiding the hideous decorations from sight. But really, that vase HAD to have been illegal or something. Suddenly, Kira stood up slowly, her knees bent. She put a finger to her lips. I held my breath, praying silently that it wasn't the thing. I remembered that the door knob would wiggle, the lock slowly clicking apart. Then the door would be swung upon with a gust of wind. I brought the blanket further up my face, hiding my familiar features. Just as the door slammed open, I realized my hair wasn't hidden

A/N: sorry for the short chapter (':

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