Wanted Dead or Dead

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The door of the shack creaks open.
"And this is how every horror movie starts..." Stiles jokes. I roll my eyes and push past him and walk into the flimsy structure. It's pint-sized with barely enough room for all of us.
"Lydia and Kira CAN'T be in here!" Scott mutters, slipping his phone out of his pocket and switching on the flashlight. I hear a clatter and a snicker.
"Guys I found a trap door and I may or may have not broken it." Stiles says. We stared over at Stiles. His scuffed up sneaker was stuck through a large hole in the floor. Stiles removed his foot and we stared down into the hole. The remnants of the planks that Stiles had snapped were wobbling down the stairs.
"Should we go?" Scott asked. I felt a shiver of cold radiating up the stairs and I shook my head just has Stiles nodded his.
"They're probably down there, we can't just leave them." We all exchanged glances and Scott used the light of his phone to light the stairwell. It still looked creepy, spiderwebs weaving over our heads. Stiles was in front of me and he looked terrified. The urge to faint for larger and larger, my head spinning. Finally we reached the bottom. We found ourselves in a basement. The floors were stained with blood and mud and dust fell from the ceiling into our hair. Scott turned the brightness up on his phone and panned the light around. The light fell on Lydia and Kira. They were tied to the wall. Blood was dripping from Lydia's lip, painting her pale skin a deep red. Both boys leaned down next to the girls.
"Oh my god, are you guys okay?" Stiles asked, reaching to unhook the chains from the wall. Kira shook her head and tried to point to the dark corner behind me.
"She's not safe her. Get her out." Kira looked into Scott's eyes. Her's were bloodshot and her pupils were wide in fear. "Get her out!" I opened my mouth to reassure her but instead a chill shivered through my body as a voice whispered in my ear.
What a lovely surprise this is. It's very nice to meet you Nani

A/N: hello!! I'm sorry to say that this story shall be ending soon. Sorry I have not been posting lately, I have been super busy with school! Thanks to everyone who still follows me and reads my story! Thanks babes, stay safe ✌🏻️

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