Let Me Help You

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Jade suffers from OCD and is having a bad day, but Perrie always manages to make her feel better.

*Flick* *Flick*


*Flick* *Flick*


*Flick* *Flick*

Perrie smiles from her swinging chair in the kitchen, hearing her girlfriend upstairs flicking the lights on and off. Soon enough the footsteps draw closer, as do the light flicks, and her curly-haired girlfriend appears in the doorway. She taps the metal part where the door would click into place if closed, and flicks the light switch on and off.

"Hi baba." Perrie's grin grows as Jade jumps slightly. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you."

"I didn't see you that's all." She mumbles shyly, feeling embarrassed at being caught doing her rituals.

"Don't be embarrassed Jadey, you know it don't bother us." She got up from her chair and walked over to her girlfriend, pulling her into her arms.

"I know." She leans into the hug and pulls away to peck the blonde. "I love you Pez."

"I love you too." She reciprocates the quick kiss and separates herself to look Jade in the eye. "Is it a bad day today?" She asks referring to Jade's mental health.

It's not something she likes to tell people, so not a lot of people know this about Jade, but she suffers with obssessive compulsive disorder. Day to day life can be quite difficult, especially if she's having a bad day, as she struggles to get things done if things aren't perfect. She'll perform these behaviours over and over until they feel just right.

She's had horrible days where her hands have bled from aggressively washing them after losing count of how many times she's rubbed them together. She's been late to work many a time from things not working right. When she got a new pair of shoes it took her an hour to get outside because the pressure of her feet felt different when she was walking and she get having to retrace her steps. It's not just that though. It's the thoughts that come with it.

She gets these horrible instrusive thoughts that won't leave her brain until she does these behaviours. Once she was walking with Perrie to Tesco and her messed up brain told her that if she stepped on a crack in the pavement she'd have to throw herself into the oncoming traffic.

It's quite a struggle but she manages to get through it.

"I'm just feeling off." She shrugs not too sure how to explain it.

"Mkay." The younger woman presses gentle kisses to the side of her head. "Let's just have a chill day yeah? Little snuggle on the settee?" Jade just smiles and nods in response, feeling incredibly grateful for her girlfriend.

They spent the next few hours doing just that, wrapped in a blanket watching Geordie Shore. When it came to tea time, they realised they didn't have anything to eat and so Perrie left to go to Tesco. Jade opted to stay home still not feeling too great.

Perrie tried to be as quick as she could, not wanting to leave Jade on her own for long, but with her ADHD she gets distracted very easily, especially when it comes to shopping. When she did finally make it home, she ran into the house shouting Jade's name.

"Bubs I'm back!" She closes the door with her foot, trying to not step on Hatchi as he runs around her feet. "Not you silly boy."

She places the shopping bags down on the kitchen island and peeks into the living room. Her bushy eyebrows turn downwards at the empty space on the sofa.

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