The Light In Your Darkness

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Received a request to write something similar to my last two chapters but with Jade being the victim. Inspired by 'Make You Believe [Jerrie]' by Fe1234 on Wattpad.

Summary: Jade's stuck with the trauma of her abusive father and all Perrie wants is for Jade to let her in. This one is quite triggering, I didn't want to go into detail but there is still lots of talk about it.

(Edit: I've just finished writing and realised there isn't actually that much Jerrie, buttt I'm still posting it. Sorry whoopsies.)

TW// Child abuse (SA).

Jade hasn't always been afraid of the dark.

She never understood why all the other children in her Year 2 class had to sleep with a lamp on, or why they would scream whenever there was a power cut in school. She really didn't get it.

After all, the dark was calming for Jade. It allowed all of life's elements and distractions to fade away, leaving the young girl with space to work through her thoughts and de-stress. Sometimes she struggled with processing all these lights and sounds, her mam knew this as well, hence why she favoured to sit in a dark room by herself, rather than join Norma, Karl and James, her stepdad, to watch a film downstairs. So you can imagine her concern when one day ten year old Jade had a panic attack after her mam had tucked her into bed.

"Are you sure you're alright Jade?" Norma had noticed that her youngest had been acting really strange after her father dropped them off.

Norma and Jade's father had broken up a few years ago. They had never married; it was quite a smooth split, as it'd been coming for a while due to him being a complete and utter dick. Mother had sole legal custody of the two Badwi children, but their father had joint physical custody, meaning he doesn't make any legal decision but can spend time with the kids, hence why they had Norma's last name (until she married James Thirlwall). It was supposed to be equal time at each house, but he'd often cancel and it ended up with Norma and James having them most of the time.

"Y-yeah." She went against all instincts in her body telling her to reveal all of what her father did to her, too scared by his words that he'd to it to her mother as well. "M'just tired."

Her mother looked deep into her eyes, and it made Jade really uncomfortable. The longer she held it, the harder it got to hide the truth, but she had to. She would not let her mother go through what she had to. She forced herself to look away, making Norma sigh.

"Alright then, nanite pet." She leant down, kissing her daughter on the forehead, and tucked her all nice and comfortably in her princess Jasmine duvet. She pulled away expecting to see the soft eyelids of her sleeping daughter, but frowned when she was met with wide brown eyes instead. "What's the matter pickle?"

"I-I d-don't feel w-well..." She replied with a shaky voice. Looking into the comforting eyes of her mother was supposed to make her feel better, but she knew from now on it would never be enough.

She wasn't lying, she really didn't feel well, it just wasn't what her mother assumed. Her whole body felt dirty and she felt like things were crawling over her skin. She had a headache from exhaustion, having forced herself to stay awake in fear he'd come back into her bed whilst she was unconscious.

That wasn't the worst part though. The pain she'd been feeling there was absolutely excruciating. She felt like someone was stabbing her over and over again, I mean technically someone had been, but she didn't want to think about it. It just increased the sick feeling she felt everywhere.

Her mam felt her forehead with the back of her hand, testing to see if it was warm. It wasn't really possible, but Norma's brow furrowed even further when Jade flinched away from her touch. The older woman was confused by her daughters reaction, but simply crossed it off as her sensory issues worsening, hence why it'd managed to go on for years without anyone realising.

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