You're Safe Now (Pt 2)

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Part two of the previous post dealing with the aftermath of Perrie's trigger.

TW// Same things as last, abuse, sexual assault, mental health stuffs...


It was a week after Perrie had her episode in the studio. Ever since then, her anxiety had been a lot worse.

She's had panic attacks daily, that left her feeling drained, but then she can't sleep away her exhaustion because of the night terrors she gets. This always happens after a new trigger and just needs time to sort itself out, with the help of therapy and medication of course.

Jade already knew this particular morning was going to be a hard one, judging by the way Perrie was turned away from her in their bed, facing the wall. Unlike every other adult, they had their bed pressed against the wall with Perrie's side being the closest to it. They did this so that the younger woman would feel protected, eliminating any possible danger from the side Jade wasn't on.

She stayed staring at the blonde's back for awhile, her wavy locks running messily down her spine, noting the slight tremble running across her body and the goosebumps raising over her pale skin. The longer she observed, the harsher the shakes became, and she knew she had to step in or Perrie would breakdown completely.

"Pez?" She called out, breaking the crisp silence spread throughout the room. She felt a pang of hurt straight in her heart, seeing how Perrie flinched away from her violently into the wall. "It's okay baba, it's just me. It's Jadey." She sat up carefully as to not startle Perrie any further when she heard how fast she was breathing. "I'm coming closer okay? I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just gonna give you a hug, okay bubs?"

After seeing a small nod of consent from her girlfriend, Jade immediately moved behind Perrie, pressing her whole front against Perrie's back. She brought her arms over her in a loose grasp, as to not overwhelm her or make her feel restricted and trapped.

"J-Jade?" She turned her head to stare at Jade with her glazed over eyes. The brunette observed the scared look on Perrie's face that was paired with a quivering lip. "H-Hold me please?"

"Always baba." Jade didn't need to be told twice, so with Perrie's permission, she squeezed her girlfriend into a warm embrace. "Jadey's got you Pez. You're safe with me." She muttered against pale skin between peppering gentle kisses across it.

They lay together spooning for a while, until Jade was certain that all the tension had been soothed from her body. She glanced behind her at the nightstand to read the time on the alarm clock. Seeing that it was nearly 10am, Jade realised that she needed to get Perrie up and about to help her get back to functioning normally.

"Baba?" She questioned, only receiving a quiet hum in response. "Are you ready to get up now?"

She didn't like to pressure Perrie, especially when she was this vulnerable, so she preferred to ask Perrie what she'd like to do to make it known that it was all her choice. Her abusive ex was incredibly controlling and would oversee all her life decisions, whether it be if she was going out, or what she was allowed to eat for dinner. Jade needed to make sure Perrie didn't ever feel like that ever again.

"Not really..." The blonde mumbled, shifting over so that she was now facing Jade. "...but, I know that I need to." She sighed and nuzzled her face into Jade's neck, her girlfriend immediately leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"Okay then." She gave Perrie one last squeeze before loosening her grip. "Let's take it slow then alright?"

"Yes please."

They stuck to Jade's word and got up out of bed at the pace of a snail. Well, it was more like Jade moving whilst dragging Perrie along behind her. The brunette carefully guided her out of the room and toward the kitchen to try and at least get something down her.

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