I Think I'm Gay

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Summary: Perrie comes out as gay to her girlfriend. Yes.

Short fluff to hopefully get back into writing.

"Hmm?" She hums, although it's quite lazy, but that's to be expected when relaxing in a post-orgasm bliss.

I forget to respond, too caught up on the feeling of her fingers running up and down my bare side. The soothing movement of nails softly scratching my scalp as it rises and falls against her nude chest, lulling me to sleep with the sound of her heartbeat. I curl further into her body, wrapping one arm under her armpit and over the top of her shoulder, and using the other to ghost over the skin between her breasts.

"Baba?" My brunette beauty questions when I don't give her an answer.

Sighing, I turn from lying on my side to on my stomach and lay my body on top of hers even more. I nuzzle my head into her chest, needing some comfort before I change the atmosphere.

She rubs the back of my neck, in the way she knows will send goosebumps down my spine, to get me to turn my head up to look at her. I do so and sigh again when her thumb strokes over my cheeks gently.

"What's the matter love?" She asks, voice and face laced with concern.

"There's been something on my mind now for quite a while, a-and I just, I just...I-I don't even know." I look down, not wanting to see the worried look on Jade's face. It's already hard enough for me to express my thoughts, let alone with a panicked Jade in the mix. "It's just something I've been thinking about and I-I need to get it off my chest because it's making me feel so so anxious. I'm sorry for not bringing it up sooner, but I needed time to sort my mind out completely."

"A-Are you- a-are we? Are you breaking up with me?" I immediately shoot my head up, hearing the heart-breaking crack in Jade's voice. Her eyes are swimming with tears, and her bottom lip wobbles ever so slightly.

"Oh my god no!" I shriek in horror, jumping forward to kiss Jade with as much love as I can. "I'm so sorry, I worded that so terribly." I groan, feeling horrible for even insinuating a breakup. "I'm just having a hard time to find the words."

"B-But we're okay?" She sounds a lot more reassured, but she's still hesistant.

"More than okay." I mumble it against her lips, as I kiss her for all I'm worth. "I love you."

"I love you too." She pulls away from our burst of affection, allowing me to continue.

I stop and stare into her big brown eyes, suddenly feeling scared to say the words that have been floating around my mind for half a year. She senses my aprehension and nods her head encouragingly with her warm eyes gazing into mine, successfully giving me the strength I need to release out of my head.

"I-I...I think I'm gay."

"Well I'd like to think so." Jade giggles sarcastically and I can't help but join her, especially when I'm lying on her naked boobs after very lesbian activities.

"Stop I'm being serious." Our laughter dies down and she presses a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

"Why's that love?" She asks me genuinely, softly stroking her fingers through my sprawled out hair.

"I've-I've never really officially labelled myself." I bite my lip, unsure how to word my lifelong struggle. "Everyone just sort of assumes that I'm bi, or 'spicy straight'." I roll my eyes as I say it and feel Jade's chuckle erupt from underneath me. "But I-I think I'm a lesbian."

"Yeah?" I look up into her eyes and see pure warmth and affection.

"Yeah." I nod and feel my own small smile creep onto my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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