LXIII. Scream.

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Things are doing great with work, with friends even with Mina. We're constantly talking to each other whenever we can which is mostly through text.

Most of the time we were unable to talk cause our schedules couldn't meet. When they were in America, we had 14hours time difference. When it's day time there, it's night in mine. On my rest days I made sure I would be able to talk to her. It was still limited cause she have to go thru their rehearsals.

I respect how these girls are very dedicated on their craft. They've been doing it for years. I can't believe I didn't know about them before. Well what would I expect, I was so focused on graduating then work.

Mina was extremely excited to start with their European tour specially about Paris. The agency was kind enough to give them 3days in between concerts. They were also filming their Tour videos which took a day to film.The good thing about that is they're touring the city where they're on. Then they spent a day for rehearsal, so that gives them a free day for themselves.

I can't help but wonder how they'd do it. Their concert is almost 3 hours where they would sing and dance continuously with a little time to change their outfits. No wonder why Mina is so fit.

Gosh I miss her. I miss her so much it's almost suffocating. I always look at my phone all the time for she might message me whenever she's free or she might woke up in the middle of the night there.

I was so glad that we were able to talk to each other again like how we were before. I sometimes think what happened to us when we drifted apart. It was confusing cause I really can't pin point what was the reason. But I set those thoughts aside for I am happy on what we have right now.

Though I want more, I still want to cherish and take care of what we have now. It's better than nothing.

I miss her so much. I hope I could see her soon.



We just came back to our hotel after our long hours of rehearsal. As soon as I got into my room, I sat down on the sofa to rest for a while before hitting the shower. I was reading Chaeng's message when Jihyo came bursting in my room. I need to remember to lock my door next time.

Jihyo: Mina!!!

She called loudly as soon as she closed the door. She startled me. Hearing the urgency on her voice, I don't know if I should panic or not.

Me: What's wrong unnie?

She paused then slowly smiling widely she launched herself to me. Imagine her hugging me on the couch, it wasn't really comfortable.

Me: aw too... tight...

I said trying to breathe from her arms.

Jihyo: Oh sorry. I'm...

She sat at the floor in front of me and was fanning herself. I noticed how red she was.

Me: You're? Come on unnie talk.

She took a deep breath to calm herself.

Jihyo: Daniel, he... He said...

I was looking at her eager for her to continue. She then talked so fast and enthusiastically while wiggling her phone.

Jihyo: He said he still loves me and he's asking to give us a second chance.

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