LXXXVII. The Urge.

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Of all the places why does Sana have chosen this. I was standing in front of the address Sana gave me. I was shocked to see that the address was of the restaurant me and Mina went to before, Love made visible.

Sana might not know that me and Mina has a history in this place. If she did she wouldn't let us go here.

With a heavy heart, I went inside the building and took the elevator towards the restaurant's floor.

The elevator door opened, revealing the familiar mini forest. This never fail to amaze me. I then remembered I took a picture of it along with Mina. I shook my head trying to not relived that day. How can I start to forget her when on my first day I'm here at where we had our first lunch.

I then jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. It was Sana. I picked it up and started walking towards the restaurant.

Me: I'm here.

Sana: Good! You'll love it there. Wait for me I'm almost there. I had made reservations just say it's for Ms. Shasha.

I laughed upon hearing it.

Sana: Yah! What's funny!

Me: Nothing. Hurry up.

She said okay then hung up. I went to the front desk and told them about Ms. Shasha's reservation. The staff led me towards the private rooms. As I walked at the familiar hallway, I stopped as I saw the farthest door. That was our room before.

I snapped back from my thoughts when the staff grabbed my attention by waving his hand in front of me breaking my stare at the farthest door.

Staff: This way please.

I thought it'll be the same room but he stopped at the door beside it. I was sort of disappointed yet I still went in.

I went in, moved the chair and sat at it.

Staff: May I take your order now?

Me: not yet, I'm still waiting for someone.

The staff bowed and left the room. A few minutes later the door opened and the manager went in.

Manager: I apologized ma'am, there was a mixed up with the reservation. You're supposed to be assigned at the other room. Ms. Shasha is already there. This way please.

Me: okay.

He led me to the other room, the one I've been staring at earlier. Nice, such a coincidence. I thanked the manager and went in. She was already there sitting, facing the window. I went closer.

Me: They say our reservation got mixed...

I stopped when she turned. It wasn't Sana.

Me: Mina...

I said in a whisper. Was it really her? Or am i Hallucinating?

She then stood.

Mina: Chaeng.

Upon hearing her voice I took a step back. Oh shit it is her. No. My heart instantly warmed up. She's here. She didn't left? Wait. She being here doesn't changed the fact that she left me.

My heart starts to race as I feel my anger rising. Sana set me up.

I turned and walked out of the room hurriedly. I just want to get out of here. Did she think seeing her would make me happy? No.

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