Somewhat Of A Punishment

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Sir Kylo had been gone for five days. In those five days, Lady Rey had given you the liberty to do what you wanted. That pretty much consisted of going to see Rose in your designated spots, gossiping until dark, and occasionally taking a walk around the town. On one of your walks you had seen Poe the blacksmith again. He was forging a sword when he looked up to see you eyeing someone's horses. 

He called your name. "Come here." There was a big smile on his face. 

Part of you didn't want to, but you really had nothing else to do. You walked through the abnormally dry dirt over to his open air forge. He set the red hot weapon down and removed his glove, catching your hand in his own and bringing it to his lips. He gently dropped it and looked up to you. "You look beautiful today." 

"You look dirty," you smiled, pointing to the soot on his brow. He had a sense of humor, at least, because he laughed and wiped the back of his hand against his brow. 

"Yeah, I know," he wiped his hand on his tunic, a big smile still on his face. "I've seen you walking around today and yesterday. You on work release?"

You clasped your arms around yourself loosely, looking around. "No. Sir Kylo is away on business. Lady Palpatine has let me have my days to myself."

"Oh, how lovely. How long are you free?" He asked, putting a hand on his hip. 

"He will be out of town until Friday," you said, eyeing him. He was going to ask you out again. 

"Will you be free tonight?"

"I will." What the hell. Why not?

"Will you come have dinner at home my home at dusk?" He stepped closer to you, but not too close. 

"At your home. How intimate," you teased playfully. 

He chuckled to himself and then his face was sincere. "I want to make this experience as comfortable for you as possible. If that isn't something you would be interested in, I understand." 

"No. I'll be there," you assured him. "I have to be on my way now, but I will see you later," you smiled, blushing as you turned away. You weren't sure if it was just the attention, his conventional attractiveness, or just the thrill of being away from the estate, but you were excited. Excited to see where this would go. 

"You should do some braiding in your hair. The braids always get them," Rey said from behind you as you looked for a gown. 

Rey had been spending much of her time around you. After she had developed this odd protective connection to you the other day, she wanted to hang out with you constantly, always in your room talking to you about anything and everything she could. You were hesitant at first, but she really was like anyone else--just far more lonely. 

"I don't know how to braid my hair," you said, pursing your lips as you picked a dress. You pulled out a deep wine red gown, one that had one of the lowest necklines you had. You turned to Rey, showing her the gown against your body. "This one?"

Rey sat up on your bed, eyes wide. You hadn't thought about Sir Kylo for a long time, but seeing her there on your tainted sheets--it made your stomach flip. 

"That is the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life. He won't be able to resist you," she said breathily, obviously taken aback by the beauty. "The neckline is a little low, but I suppose it could work." 

"Low necklines will be common practice one day, I know it," you said.

"Maybe. Let's get you in it," Rey stood walking over to you. 

Desecration (Kylo Ren x Reader Medieval AU)Where stories live. Discover now