That's Against The Rules

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"In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit," you whispered to yourself, crossing your chest quickly. 

Days had gone by, and you hadn't been allowed to leave. You were only allowed to tend to your daily duties--which had included minimal contact with the knight. He hadn't taken you anywhere, just had you serve him before he would be on his way. Breakfast, lunch occasionally, dinner. Not much more. It was Sunday now, and you had to be at the night mass. It was the noble people's mass--the one after the regular mass for regular people. The room was packed with knights and squires and lords and ladies from the estate and from nearby towns. You were in the second row sitting beside Rey. Sir Kylo and King Snoke were sat next to one another in the front pew, you directly behind him. You had caught the king looking back to you over his shoulder a few times, and you felt that same gross feeling you had from your previous encounter. 

You were surrounded by such important people, so you made it a point to pay attention and not let your mind wander too much. You did find yourself getting bored a few times--your eyes glazing over as you stared at the back of Sir Kylo. He was obstructing much of your view. You did enjoy eyeing the wideness of his shoulders, though....

But you weren't letting yourself lust over him much anymore. He didn't deserve the attention. 

"Go forth--the mass has ended," finally the priest said, raising his hands. 

You stood, filing into the parish hall with the rest of the important people, being sure to trail behind Rey and Sir Kylo at an acceptable distance. The parish hall was lit up with plethoras of candles, a small band playing music for the after mass reception. You walked forward, quickly being whisked away by Vicrul. 

"You'll sit with the squires, I suppose," he said to you, his hand wrapped around your arm, guiding you to the designated table. You plopped down onto the bench watching the rest of the party find their way to their tables. Sir Kylo was at the long table to the right of King Snoke, Rey to his right. They were served a feast immediately, everyone looking jovial and having a good time. 

"They'll serve us after them," Vicrul leaned over, speaking to you. "How are you doing?"

You looked over to him. You couldn't figure him out and why he cared about your wellbeing. "I'm doing fine. Just trying to do my job." 

"Good. Your job only," he said lower before sitting back up and watching the room. "Is this your first parish hall feast with nobility?"

"I've been once before. A long time ago," you spoke, watching all of the squires fill in at the table. You were the only woman, the ladies-in-waiting at a different table. You pointed to them. "Why am I not with them?"

Vicrul looked over to see the women. "You aren't a lady-in-waiting."

"Then what am I?" You furrowed your brow. 

"We are still trying to decipher that ourselves," he tilted his head slightly. "But you work for the knight, so you will sit with his squires for now." He gestured to the men at the table. They were all dressed just like Vicrul in the same black tunics with the red hexagon. "Ma'am, these are the other Squires of Ren. Cardo, Ushar, Trudgen, Kuruk, and Ap'lek," he pointed to each as he named them off. 

They were all staring at you. "Uh, hello."

They all nodded, saying nothing. "We all work hard to protect and help the knight in any way we can," Vicrul continued. He was the only one with some sense of politeness. 

"We have wondered what your purpose is," Ushar spoke up, blatantly. 

"Same," you retorted, unafraid of his hostility. 

Desecration (Kylo Ren x Reader Medieval AU)Where stories live. Discover now