Jack J imagines- partying

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*sorry this ones kinda short. And has no point 😆😂*

You are partying with your friends, yes at a club. Everybody was having fun, dancing, drinking. It was your bestfriends 21st birthday. And she wanted to get drunk, for the first time...legally.

You are wearing a black, short and tight. Dress that ends up below your butt. Your arms are covered. Your brown hair is straight, ends about your elbows. Black pumps. You also have a necklace on. It's gold and says Jack. He gave it to you, but it's mainly for him. So everybody knows that you are his.

You aren't much of a drinker. But you went crazy. Well for you. You had 2 shots. And let's just say. You were buzzed. You've ever been drunk. And you didn't want to be tonight...
Okay back to the story. Right now. You and your friends are on the dance floor, bumping and grinding.
After a while, your feet began to hurt. So you slipped off your shoes, pulling Y/BF/N over to a quieter place.

"Bae, I think I'm going to go home. Il pretty tried. Happy birthday boo!" She nodded

"Kay, love you girlie!" You two hugged before putting your shoes back on, walking out the front door. Leaving your friends back in the club.

You unlocked your house, walking in. Leaving your shoes by the door. Sitting your bag with them. It's pretty late, 3:34 am, you thought jack would be a sleep. So you slipped up the stairs, making your way to your bedroom, and a jack share. When your door came in view, you could see light peeping from the around the door. You slowly pushed the bedroom door open, to see jack shirtless sitting up under the Blanket.

"Hey jack." You say making your way to the closet to change.

"Where have you been?" He asked as you pull off the tight ass dress.

"Partying?" You ask with question laced in your voice. He knew where you where going.

"At 3:30 in the morning."

You pulled a shirt over your head, that you stole from him just now.
"Yes, I left at 12." You tied your hair into a messy bun. Walking to the bed.

"I don't really like you staying out that late." He said as you pulled up the blanket.

"It won't happen a agAin." Before you turn off your lamp. You kiss him on the cheek. Laying down for the night.

"Goodnight my princess." He pulled you closer.

"Goodnight my prince." You fell asleep in his arms.

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