Jack G- party late

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"Baby, are you ready?" Asked your long time boyfriend Jack, he's been waiting for you to finish getting ready for about 10 minutes; we are going to a party at Nates house tonight.

You wearing high waisted shorts, white really cropped top, and a red coat. (Picture above or side) and white heels.
Your hair is curled, and makeup nude. With red lipstick.

Right know you are messing with your hair. "Yes, I am." You walk out, grabbing your little black back pack.
He grabbed your hand. Leading you to his car.


"BESTIE!!!" Jack J chirped as he opened the door.

"BOO!" You squealed back jumping into his arms.

After the jacks did the "bro hug," JJ leaded us through the pool of drunk dancers, pass the couch where Madison was sticking faces with some 20 year old. You rolled your eyes and grabbed jacks hand.

After we landed in the kitchen, Johnson poured you threw a shot.
"I'm not drinking, I have to drive his crazy one home." Your boyfriend pointed down at you.

"Well I'm not drinking then" you stuck out your bottom lip. You know that's his weakness, after a couple of minutes of you looking up at him like that, he pushed it back in and told Jack that you two were both good, then You two went off to find Sammy and Nate.

After looking for a good 5 minutes you found them, in the livingroom, getting high playing truth or Dare. You looked up at Jack and shrugged your shoulders, telling him way not. You pulled him to sit next to Sammy and some random kid.

"hey Sam." You said as both of you sat down.

"Hey boo." He said passing you the blunt, you rose the smoke into your lips, took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet weed. After you took 2 drags you passed it to your boyfriend, turning back to talk to Sam.

Right before you could open your mouth Nate Asked you Truth or dare. Of course you chose dare you can never turn one down

After A minute of thinking they started talk "I dare you you make out with...Sammy." Your eyes Open wide and surprise you felt Jack his hand on the small your back.

"It will mean nothing Y/n, just a stupid dare" Nate smiled from 2 seats down from you.

"Fine" you muttered

Moving your position to sit in front to Sammy you got to glance at Jack. He was playing with his thumbs you took a deep breath and leaned in soon you feel Sammy's lips on yours and his hands on your waist your way pulling into his lap. you kissed for a little while matching his movements until you pulled away, take your place next to Jack except this time you were closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. It was a dare. I felt nothing" you said taking his hand.

"I know I just don't like to think about his hands touching you his lips on yours" he whispered into your ear

"I love you and only you" you said kissing his cheek, waiting for the joint.

You two have been at the party for a good 3 good hours, right now you are dancing with him, grinding you hips on his. Not caring who saw, or what they think.

"Baby lets go home." You grabbed his hand pulling him out the door.

Before he opened your door, he pushed to you to the car, and kissed you hard.

"I had fun tonight y/n" he kissed down your neck hoping it will lead to more tonight.

"Me too baby." You played with the hair at the nApe of his neck.

On the way home, his fingers were locked into yours. Even now Nd the. The would squeeze your hand.

As you two were pulled up to your house, he kissed your hand.

You went to sleep with a smile on your face, next to the love of your life

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