Fire, Friends and Fears

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They say home is where the hearth is, and they had quite the hearth, along with that were his friends who had all come back from doing their own chores. Wormwood had been told by the others about why they had chose to live with their friends, so they could share the resources in case one gets hurt or needed stuffs, Wickerbottom even told them that this way of thinking called “game the-or-ie” 

Wormwood set his stuff down and stayed as close to the fire as they could, without bursting into flames ofcourse! They had once caught on fire, it was during the summer and they did not have any of their cooling stuffs to stay at a safe temperature and they went up in flames, it hurt so much! Like their whole body got jabbed by their bamble traps, but then again, that is how he met his friends. So he guesses thats okay. Though fire friend could be quite cruel during those summer months.

Talking about fire friend, she took the remains them and chucked them into the roaring flames, making them bigger. Wormwood jumped back a bit. They did not need more reminders of their weaknesses. Willow looked over at Wormwood and did a small giggle at his reaction, then turned back to stare into the flames.

Wormwood scooted away from Willow. They still liked their friend just, scared of them.

Wormwood was a tad scared of nearly everyone at the camp. They were his friends, of course, they were the ones who took care of him in the summer, the ones who showed sympathy for him when no one else would. And even though they had helped him to thick and thin. Wormwood was afraid of the others. To be fair, Wilson had always been a bit more “intrusive” than the other friends, Willow… she was scary, and for Maxwell and Woodie, Wormwood saw what they did, For almost ever camp member he could think of a reason to be scared. 

Their were a few exceptions though, all the tiny friends had some friends that could scare Wormwood, but the tiny friends themself were quite pleasant, and Wortox was nice to be around. 

Then their was Wx78. Wx78 was… odd to say the least. They hated all living things, and had a great love for the moon, (Wormwood sometimes took that as a complement, though he did call the moon “inorganic” once which, confused Wormwood to say the least) They also did not harm the other friends but showed hatred towards them all. Even though Wormwood knew that Wx could probably snap their neck with no hesitation, he was just the normal amount of scared of Wx. Probably because Wormwood knew Wx would not harm them as long as they kept their distance. Also because Wormwood attracted buzzers, and Wx liked buzzers. 

Wx also somtimes were asked intrusive questions by the others (cough cough Wilson cough) that were eerily similar, such as "Why do you eat your own kind, isn't that cannibalism?" or "You realize that those things don't talk right?" They had somtimes talked, okay by talked they meant "listen to Wx78 rants about everone" about it, but Wx did have some points. Also those rants were how he learned about alot about Wx, he somtimes even missused or poked certain things that he knew Wx was passionate about intentionally so Wx would stop and explain it with such ghusto. Wx probably ranted to get it off his own chest, not expecting somone to listen, but who knows, it might be helpful in the future.

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