Blight is just Plant Rust

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Wx walked out of Wormwood's tent, confused. Why did they do that? I mean they never comforted others, it was usually the others comforting someone after Wx did something. So why didn't they just leave him alone? Also why did they enjoy helping Wormwood out? They were a unfeeling murder robot for crying out loud! They couldn't wrap their mind around it. Well, you know what they say "when in doubt push the thought to the back of your brain until you have some time to process."

it did not help them to know something that Wormwood didn't.


"... Well it's better that he leave now, for I have something to ask of you Wx."


"So as I was talking about earlier, we have no cures for blight as of now, however something I did not mention was that even if we did have some way to cure blight, if it functions like how all blight in our world, which most of the biology here does if not just put to an extreme, then we wouldn't be able to heal it which leaves amputation as our only option.


They admit, even now, that was a lie. They didn't know much about blight, nor did they want to, and the stuff they did know was just from seeing Wormwood and his body movements. Which to be frank, reminded of when they got rusty, so for all they knew it could be plant rust. Honestly the more they thought about it, the more they could relate to how blight worked, with the whole stiffness, pain, heck the coloring was similar. They guessed that they, somehow, knew a little bit more about blight than the others and themself thought.

"Well, what I was trying to allude to, Wx is that we need to chop of Wormwood's infected limbs. And I was thinking that because of the spring weather, you have nothing going on, so could you be ever so kind and amputate it? I will give you some gears if you do, I heard from Winona that you had a little project going on."


"Glad to hear it!" Wickerbottom had said clapping her hands together. "Feel free to do it whenever you want, however I shall say that time is of the essence!"


They had then turned to walk out of the tent until Wickerbottom asked them one more question.

"Oh also, we are not entirely sure how Wormwood will react to the dismemberment of his appendage, emotionally or physically, so would you mind keeping an eye on them for us?"

They then turned around to give the answer of "no of course not" because just, did she know who she was talking to? She was talking to a murderous bot, someone who has stated multiple times how much they had wanted to destroy all organic life. And Wormwood, to be frank was a organic life form. Like a very organic life form. Plus thats just so dehumanizing, like being forced to be with your abuser. Because if they had their arm cut off by someone they wouldn't wanna have to be sitting next to that person for days on end. That just seemed wrong, like not evil, just traumatizing for the person involved. And- wait why were they worried about Wormwood's well being? They thought that they had established that they were a organic-hating automation. Why were they so nervous for them?

"Before you say no, I will throw in some readings of my "End is Nigh" and some butter muffins as a treat!"

Okay they had to answer yes. After all it's not every day your minions give you so much stuff for free, (even though they should) so they might as well accept.

So now here they were, stuck with having to pick a good time to commit a surgery. Should Wormwood know when and how. Their moral compass compass was spinning rapidly, going in every direction. How much about their own dismemberment? They're are never any clean answers to moral questions, which is why they had always hated morality. It was just so easy to just be selfish! Why did they get themself involved?

Then it just came to them, the right answers are usually nonexistent when it comes to moral, right? But their were always clear "wrong answers" which would end in them not getting those gears, which honestly they were kinda needing right now. So they would just look through the "correct answers" and pick the easiest one. Therefore they would get their gears (and other stuff) and not have to do as much work! So the easiest solution as of now is... not telling Wormwood a thing and just stealing them in a while and making the procedure quick and fast.

They went into their tent and started to sharpen their knives, letting themself think through their plan, after all you can't just go into this stuff blind! Its best if they came up with a way to lure Wormwood in...

No, they were better to treat another in a humane way. After all they knew what it was like to be treated inhumanely. And they would never wanna wish that upon anyone else.

No no NO! They should want to treat others inhumanely, it's written in their code! Good gosh this was all supposed to make things easier moral wise! Not harder! Why did morals have to be so complex? This is why being unfeeling was better! You never had to go through these moral dilemmas. You could just do your own thing and not feel awful afterwards. No guilt, no pain! It was perfect, but than that fool of a creator decides to put a half working empathy module and then you have to deal with the bullshit that comes afterwards!

The automation just laid on the floor of the tent for a while, writhing in nonexistent pain. Why did it have to be this way? Well the best they could do right now was to work. They took out some of the tools and gears that they needed along with the base for their project. A bioscanner, which as the name implies scans life forms for data to be used in upgrades for themself. They had started on calling them "jimmy" it was just an easier name for the foolish organics around them who cannot pronounce "bioscanner" and also because bioscanners kinda already existed, and they didn't want jimmy to get mixed up with the other, lesser, bioscanners. They started to get to work and continued until dark, in which they powered off. They could figure more about the blight tomorrow.

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