Wx POVish for once

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Wormwood was acting weird

Like really weird, Wx had known the plant for a while, they knew enough about them to know that Wormwood was weird and a freak of nature. They knew Wormwood literally rolled in crap for health, that they could cut off their limb no problem! (Well they could do that too themself so they shouldn't really comment on that) they also talked to the plants, like they were talking back. Wait Wx themself talked to the machines around the camp too, so double standards.

But how Wormwood was acting was odd, due to how they were acting was totally against their nature. Wormwood seemed more reclusive than how they normally were. Trying to get away from camp meetings and eating alone. They seemed to have trouble doing work wether it be mining or fighting, Wx would have just written it off as lazy but they seemed to be neglecting their garden, well neglecting it more than usual, it still had work done better than what most survivors could have done. However Wormwood was avoiding touching the plants, when they would normally be all for petting their "friends"

Yeah something was wrong. Wx decided to point it out to the rest of the survivors, who knows, this could play in their favor. The other survivors decided that yes, Wormwood was acting off, and that Wx should investigate. Wx didn't necessarily want to, but was forced to. Next time something like this pops up and someone is forced to do it, they could mention that they did this last time and someone else should go.

Wx walked over to Wormwood's tent, determined to figure out what was wrong, and why were they acting like this, it was starting to bug them. They flung open the tent entrance to find Wormwood sitting on the floor of the tent. Wormwood quickly tried to hide their hands, but it was no use, Wx had already saw the damage.

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