Chapter 1

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If i could turn back time.

(Present time)

When you are filled with grief and pain, it will be hard to laugh with pure joy or happiness. Some people had a talent to hide their sadness, but those people are more vulnerable than you thought they were. If only there is a wine that can wash away the painful memories and the sadness you felt, it would be the best selling win in the whole world.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" Cheongseon said getting the attention of the woman who is looking up her window.

"Oh!....yeah.." with her breathtaking smile.

Cheongseon was awe when he once again saw this smile from his friend, his not so secret crush. "Hey Cheongseon!" Jeongyeon shakes his shoulder to bring him back to reality. "Stop staring at me... I might probably not go back because i cannot handle your stare."

He massages his neck "I'm... I'm sorry... It won't happen again."

Jeongyeon sigh in the sight of her young friend. "Cheongseon, how many times do i have to tell you, it's ok for you to feel that crush on me, but please, stop nursing it. In fact, you and On-Jo looks good together."

"But On-Jo is just my fact, she doesn't like me either." Cheongseon reasoned out.

"You are way too young for me and i am way too old for you. Like, 10 years apart? Hahaha."

"Well, age doesn't matter when it comes to love, does it, noona?"

"See, you were even calling me noona... Doesn't it feel awkward?" She teasingly smile.


"Cheongseon...." She took a deep breath and look at the young guy who is standing in front of her. She is already aware of this little crush that Cheongseon has to her, and even if it is funny to think that a school boy has a huge crush on a 30 year old woman, Jeongyeon couldn't just throw him away. Cheongseon's family is so kind to her, as well as the young guy. They were her family when she needed one.

"I will be going to Busan, then to Seoul to visity family. I will be gone for a week and i want you to contemplate for that week while i am gone. You are so kind, a very sweet guy. But you are still young, Cheongseon, i know you are in your right mind to identify what's love and infatuation but i am tired of avoiding topics like this. I don't want our friendship to be tainted with some failed love, puppy love, high school crush whatever you call it. I am your noona.. "she brushed his hair. "And i should be the one to advise you about relationships, about love, as per experience. I shouldn't be the cause of your heartbreak." She smiled sweetly.

Cheongseon sadly bowed his head and sigh. This is really a game over already. He has been rejection for a thousand times, he is just so confident that one day, Jeongyeon will finally accept him and see him as a man, not a highschool guy. "But it's not bad to keep hoping, right?"

"Oh come on...." Jeongyeon stumped her feet looking frustrated. "Cheongseon..."

"Ok...ok..." He raised his hand as a sign if defeat. "Well, being rejected for a thousand times is already a sign... It's humiliating."

"I'm sorry .."

"No, it's ok... You're right, i am just so stubborn to accept defeat."

Jeongyeon smiled at the funny sight of her friend. "Ok... Now we all clear. So i hope when i get back, there is no more like this, ok?"

"Ok.... I can't do anything anymore."

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