Chapter 4

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“Ka…Kang Young-hyun..” she froze.

“It’s been a while. I never thought I will be seeing you.” Hyun said. Jeongyeon looked at the girl who is with Hyun and look at the guy once again. “Oh, this is Reign. She’s pretty, right?” Young-Hyun proudly said when he noticed that Jeongyeon is looking at the girl beside him.

Jeongyeon felt a little bit uncomfortable but trying her best to handle the tension she’s feeling inside her. Meeting Young-hyun at this moment is not the thing she is expecting. She’s been trying her best to move on from the nightmare of her past and from Young-hyun’s shadow but now he just pooped up out of nowhere.

Jeongyeon took a deep breath and glanced at the guy waiting for her inside the restaurant. “I didn’t expected to see you either, Hyun. I wasn’t even asking, nor dreaming about it. I need to go.”

The devilish smile in Young-hyun’s face slowly. When Jeongyeon is about to go inside the restaurant, she was halted when Hyun grabbed her arms and whisper her something that made her froze.
“Yoo Jeongyeon, I hope you didn’t forget that your mom still has a debt in my father. You know, you are actually can pay it if we push through the wedding, but you ditched it. I saw your mom few weeks ago, she went to see my dad. Probably paid a decent amount of money. But still, she still has a huge amount to pay. We will still see each other again, Yoo Jeongyeon.”

Jeongyeon’s nerves started to tremble. She gave Hyun a side eye and she saw the devilish smirk in his lips. How could this man be so mean just like his father? After Hyun left those words, he left with his girlfriend.  Jeongyeon watched as Youn-hyun disappeared from her sight.

After 2 years of having no news from Young-hyun, Jeongyeon has finally saw him. He still never changed. Still the arrogant, womanizer and mean spoiled brat son of a business tycoon. Debts, word that echos in her mind as she gathers herself from the encounter. Yes, she’s been dealing with that debt that her parents made just few years ago and meeting Young-hyun just reminded her how unfortunate she is until now.

She looked at the inside of the restaurant once again and saw Jimin checking his watch. As she gathers her courage to enter the restaurant, their eyes met. Jimin saw her standing outside, looking at her. The guy waved and smile. Jeongyeon’s senses came back to reality and to what she needs to do.

As soon as she entered the restaurant, she sat down at the chair facing Jimin. “10 minutes.”

“W-What?” Jimin confusingly asked.

“You have 10 minutes to say whatever you wanted to say.”

"But it isn't enough, Jeongyeon-"

"You had enough actually. 15 years was more than enough. You wasted it...."


"Your time is running...." She said nonchalantly.

Jimin couldn't protest more. He doesn't know what to say because it seems that JY doesn't have interest in debating. So intead of pushing for what he wants, he just took a deep breath and started to talk.

"My uncle didn't let me go back here in Seoul after that summer. I was supposed to go back but circumstances happened. My parents died in a car crash and left me alone with my grandpa. I was asking them to send me back to Korea but I wasn't allowed. There are series of threats sent to my uncle looking for me and it ended up both my grandpa and my uncle hiding me in Switzerland. We believe that the car accident wasn't an accident at all. It was intentional. I was young and only child so grandpa decided to keep me with him abroad."

Jimin paused for awhile and check her expression. He can see confusion in her eyes. But he is running out of time so he continued. "When my uncle handled the situation very well, i decided to go back here. As soon as I came back, I searched for you but my information are limited. You weren't in the address you gave me before. We tried to track you on social media but couldn't find you either."

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