Chapter 3

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With You

(BGM: I would have known by Kyle Hume)

"Jimin?..." Jeongyeon surprisingly whispered.

The guy couldn't hide his smile as he stares at the beautiful woman in front of him. It's been 15 years, and a lot of things have changed. They are both grown up and turned into a beautiful individual. However, the smile slowly faded away when he saw something in her eyes that he didn't saw when they first met. That deep sadness in her eyes.

"Hi...Yoo Jeongyeon. How are you? It's been a long time." He said and slowly walks towards the girl.

But Jeongyeon couldn't make herself answer the question, instead, she froze and still trying to process what is happening at the moment. She thought she won't be able to see Jimin at all. Not that she doesn't want to see him because she like to, but as much as possible, she doesn't want them to cross their ways.

She's already fine being alone and being able to know that he is back, there is no need of reconnection anymore. But that is not what Jimin wants, he wants a reunion, he wants to give his apology. The apology that was already 15 years overdue. She already wasted tears and she isn't ready for more nor wasn't prepared for this kind of event.

"How did you find me?" the first line that came out of Jeongyeon's mouth when she came back to her senses.

"Just a gut. I am not even sure if you are the one, I am looking for until you turn around when I call your name." he explained.

"Oh..." she took a deep breath and lower her eyes. She couldn't even make to look directly at him. She still couldn't believe it is happening and she's not actually ready to face this man. "Well, I'm good. I am doing very fine. Thanks for asking. How are you?"

Jimin slowly hugged the woman so tight. They are just an inch apart in their height which makes Jimin a little bit taller than Jeongyeon. "I am so happy... very happy because finally, I already found you." He said and rub her hair.

Instead of hugging him back, Jeongyeon slowly pushed him for a distance. "That's... that's good to hear."

A silence came in between them. Jimin felt the distance between them. Well, he can't blame her. He didn't come back and left without even giving her his reasons. Every day for 1 month summer every year she waited but no Jimin arrived. Even after school, she is trying to spend time in that lake for at least an hour before going home. She didn't break her promise. She just waited there until graduation and then one day just realized, she needs to grow up and live on her own.

"Can we have a coffee? Or a dinner." Jimin invited. "I want to know how you've been."

Jeongyeon felt a little nervous. She still isn't ready for a reunion or a talk but Jimin is so fast in inviting her. "Well... I'm very sorry. I can't make it now. Maybe some other time, if it's ok?" she refused.

"Ahh... I see. OK. I understand. But how about tomorrow? After your shift? Let's just hang out for a bit."

Jeongyeon is trying to gather herself. She knows that Jimin here is trying to make up of those times they lost contact but it is not as easy as he thought it would be. He wasn't the one who experience separation anxiety. He isn't the one who felt alone and abandoned.

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