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"Breathe....Just don't have to think of anything for now." Those phrases keeps on looping inside her head. Anxiety attack; she's having an anxiety attack and this time it's different, and it's harder.

How did she even got in this position? Why is she doing this? Maybe because of love? A one sided love. She fell inlove with the man whom she knows will never be hers.  She's thinking that, perhaps the borrowed time is about to come to an end.

"Ting!" Her senses came back to reality when the elevator opens. Her whole body is shaking; she's so nervous. She already had the idea of what she will be seeing but she is still in denial. She wants to see it in her eyes.

She was supposed to bring a news to the man in this building, but despite of the heaviness of that news, she doesn't know if it is right to open the package. It depends on what will happen next.

"Mrs. Park..." The secretary called Jeongyeon's attention as the woman slowly walks towards the office of the CEO and President of the building. "Mr. Park is out for lunch now, would you like me to call him?" The secretary continue.

Jeongyeon suddenly stops and looks at the girl who is talking to her. "He's not here?" She asks.
The secretary nervously answered "Y-yes...maam.. Mr. Park is out for lunch. Would you like me to call him?"

Jeongyeon saw the fear in the eyes of the secretary. What are they hiding? "No need.. he knows i am coming... He just called and told me to wait in his room if i arrive here."

The secretary was surprised for what she has heard. She was about to stop her when Jeongyeon continued to walk. With a slightly fast, she approach the office. When she is in front she took a deep breath and close her eyes so tight.

She knows she doesn't have the right to be mad because everything is clear since the beginning but she can't help it. She just want to open her eyes wider for the reality and stop living in the illusion. And there, reality slaps so hard when she saw what she has to see.

She was unable to move. Her eyes are stuck to the happenings inside the room. This girl, this girl whom she knows she will never win against. And now, it's already a checkmate. The competition is done, a competition that didn't even existed is already done.

The sound of the door that closed interrupted the two people inside the room. "J-Jimin...." Jeongyeon started steping back and holding the door knob behind her again. Jimin and the other girl looked at her with surprised.

"J-Jeongyeon..." Jimin stood up and nervously called out her name.

"I-I'm sorry, i... I shouldn't be here." She said and quickly turned around and left the room.

Jimin and that woman looked at each other for a second and with such a rush, the guy ran towards the door to catch the girl who just witness his infidelity. "Fuck! Jeongyeon wait... it's not what you think!" He called out.

He saw her, and their eyes met. She's already inside the elevator and he is running towards her. He saw her tears and she saw his fears. And the pain she felt at this moment just made her want to run away from him.

"Wait!" Jimin shouted but the elevator already closed. "Fuck!" He tried to press the bottom again and again but it's too late already. He wants to go after her, he needs to explain. She can't misinterpret him without hearing his side.

So he ran down from the 16th floor. Well, he is desperate to catch her at least. 16th, 15th, 14th, down to 11th floor, he used the stairs. Until he decided to use an elevator in a floor where there is a vacant.

And on the other side, Jeongyeon is already in her car at the parking lot. Still crying. Her hands are shaking as she starts the car and put her seatbelt on. Resting her head on the wheel for a bit, she took a deep breath and wipe her tears.

She can't let herself fall even deeper. At thise moment, she has something more important to do, more important to think than herself, than her heart. She's in pain but she can't think about herself for now.

Whe she started the car, she drove out of the building immediately. That's when the time that Jimin reached the parking lot. He saw Jeongyeon left using the car. But it's already too late, he didn't managed to stop the woman from leaving.

"Fuck!" He cursed. When he realized that he can't do anything at all to catch Jeongyeon, he went back inside the building and fix the mess he created.

Jeongyeon was still driving on her way to the hospital. She had an emergency. Her grandpa was brought to the hospital due to a heart attack. When she felt like a little stable, she grabbed the chance to answer the call.

It's Eve, the one who is looking after the old man when she is not around. "Hello, Eve."

"Jeongyeonie, are you with Jimin already?" The woman asked from the other line.

The events of earlier brought back the pain that lingers inside her heart. "No...I haven't got the chance to talk to him." She answered with a broken voice.

"Why? I thought you went to the company?"

"He has a very important meeting." She lied

"Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way to the hospital now.."

"O-Ok...please hurry."

"Ok..." She answered. She put the phone aside and continued driving under the rainy afternoon. But when she put her focus on the dying old man in the hospital, she forgot that the red light has already appeared.

When she passed the line, a car rightfully resume it's turn from the other side of the road causing it to collide on Jeongyeon's side. That made the girl's car flip multiple times in the road and crash.


Hi...this is Athena... it feels surreal coming back...
It's just a Prologue...and this will be an important part of our story... The real start will probably next week or so but i hope this update will create an intense feeling in you... This story will be good too... Hope you'll love it.
Happy hearts month ♥️♥️

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