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Jeongyeon was on her way to get a taxi when suddenly, someone grabbed her arm from the back.

"I knew it! It was you that I saw at the entrance!"

Jengyeon's eyes widen when she saw the man who just grabbed her arm. "Young-hyun!"

Young-hyun looks so angry. It is seen on his eyes. He looks like he is about to kill someone with his anger. "You! You really thought I would not find out?" he chuckles. "No one can own you aside from me, Yoo Jeongyeon! I am just being kind to let you get away and walk around like a free man but remember that I owned you!"

Jeongyeon forcefully get her arm from his grip. "You do not own me! Nobody owns me! Not you, nor your family. No one!" she insisted.

"So, what did you do to pay your debt to my father? What? Sold your body for a night to a business tycoon?"

Jeongyeon couldn't stop herself to slap the guy. "You have no right to insult me!"

Young-hyun frustratingly brushed his face and took a deep breath. "You said you can't marry me because you cannot dare to sell yourself to us, but what did you do? You just did the same thing! 400 million won? Unbelievable of you Jeongyeon!"

"I don't even know that you are talking about!"

"Oh come on Jeongyeon! What did you do that made that guy pay your debt?" Jeongyeon remained silent but something just confirmed her long overdue question. It is indeed Park Jimin who paid her debt. Young-hyun grabbed her arm again "What did you do? What is your connection with them?! Tell me! Because I am so desperate to know!"

"I said I don't know what are you talking about!" Jeongyeon once again insisted!

This made Young-hyun angry even more. "You Bitch!" he raised his hand and was about to slap her when someone grabbed it and stood in front of him.

Jeongyeon, on the other side, already prepared to be hit when she noticed that someone stood in front of her. She slowly raised her head and was surprised when she saw who saved her from the hand of Young-hyun.

"Don't you dare!" Jimin said. He gripped his arm tightly and thro it with force resulting him to make a step backward. "As far as I remember, I made it very clear that you won't touch her nor her family. I guess you didn't listen? Do you really like to make everything worst for your family?"

"Jimin..." Jeongyeon whispered.

Young-hyun fixed himself and look at Jimin with misbelief and irritation. "Park Jimin. What a pleasant surprise."

"Kang Young-hyun. I am not even pleased to see you." Jimin replied.

Young-hyun chuckled with what he heard. Jimin's look of dissatisfaction made him annoy even more. "What are you doing here? How did you find us here?"

"None of your business. But from what you did, I want to remind you the contract that your father signed. In case you forgot."

"Yeah..." He giggles. "I heard about it. I was actually asking her about it. Is she your new toy? Or, how much did she ask to you? What did she promised that made you pay that huge amount?"

"I said, it's none of your business."

"It is!" Young-hyun raised his voice.

"It is not!" Jimin insisted. "As far as I can remember on what your father told me, you are just forcing him to let you marry her. And the debt is directly made to your father. I even wonder why Jeongyeon was the one paying it if she is not the one who benefits the money." Jimin was so intimidating on his look and Young-hyun can feel that. The anger and disgust, it is written all over Jimin's face. He is just too good to manage looking calm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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