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You were watching the rain slip down the window of your dingy apartment, watching as it rolled off of the clear glass onto the small brim outside of the window, and falling down onto the crowd below. 

The people were scurrying around like mice to cheese, all of them hurrying to get to where they need to go, worrying about their own little lives, own little issues.

Your apartment made the whole world seem small, insignificant, and the buildings residents felt that way too.

You had had a hard day at work, scrubbing the bathrooms and addressing the customers at the McDonalds you worked at. 

It was droning work, mindlessly scrubbing away at the grease and the other gross things you would find at a bathroom.

Before you had dropped out of college, you had tried to find good work whilst trying to pay your bills. You had soon realized that you were going to go broke, so you moved into your current apartment in Brighton, found your current job, and was still struggling to pay for school. Therefore, you had dropped out, leaving your aspiration to become a historian behind.

The lights in your apartment flickered on, dull yellow bulbs blaring, and you stood up to turn them off. The power had just come back on, but you preferred the light of your candles, they lit your hallways, and they made different parts of the apartment smell differently. You constantly light your lavender scented one in your bedroom.

You walked into the bathroom, lighting the ocean smelling candle as you passed. You started filling the sink with warm water as you felt tears start rolling down your cheeks. It had been a long, hard day.

Out of habit, you started tapping morse code on your wall. Your father had taught you how to do morse before he joined the army. Said it was "For survival purposes". You weren't really paying attention to what you were tapping. 

Soon enough, you stopped, resting your head in your hands, the sound of the tap running filling your ears.

Until you heard a tapping on the other side of your wall.

At first you thought it was imagined, and you paused for a second, then you heard it again. Your hands flew to the tap of your sink, and turned it off. You pressed your hand against the wall, and you tapped morse code. Hello? You said, and you pressed your ear against the wall. A response was tapped back, Are you ok? 

You are confused for a second, then you ask the wall person, why do you ask? They tapped back almost immediately. You were saying S.O.S repeatedly. It made sense to you now. You tapped back, its a nervous habit I guess. Sounds like you had a bad day. You thought for a moments before you answered, Yes, you could say that. Do you work? They said, and you answered with a truthfull, Yes, I do. What do you do for work? Fast food. Must be tough. Yeah, sometimes it is. You had an idea, and tapped back to the wall-person, we should see how much wall we share. That sounds like a great idea! I'll tap in my bedroom. You quickly moved out of the bathroom, running your hand along the walls, waiting to feel another vibration. You move through the whole apartment, then go to your bedroom. You hear a light knocking on your wall, the one that ou share with another part of the building. Hello? Are you there? The wall person was asking, and you rushed to respond. Yes! This is my bedroom too. What a coincidence. The wall person said. Also, what's your name? You seem like a Betty to me. That silly comment made you laugh, and you tapped on the wall, Well you seem like a Camron. I'm assuming your a male. Cis male, yes. Nice! Yes, I support all men. You smiled brightly, brighter than you had smiled in years. That is very nice of you. Its really nothing. I'm going to call you Wallgirl. Hey! Then your Wallboy to me. Fine, I accept this fate. I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have work tomorrow, maybe we can chat after? Sounds good to me. 10 tomorrow night, I'll be right here. You smiled to yourself as you slowly fell to sleep, and you could slightly hear Wallboy playing guitar next door. Even though you couldn't hear his voice, the music soothed you until you fell into a deep sleep.

d̸͉̠̝̊͜ ̶̡̙̥̯͖̻̓͊̄͂̆̀r̵̛̲̻̟̟̅̑́̾̈́̍̀̊̕ ̴̯̩̲̣̭̬̦̲̊͑̎̓̎͑̀̊͠e̶̟͚̘͎̗̱̻̿̿̽̔́̕̕͝ ̶̪̉͊̌̌̅̓̆͛ǻ̴̹͔̱̪͍̥͙̙͙̦̂̑̓̉̾́̚ ̶̧̼̤͓͉̱̟̝̽͝͠m̴̡̳̽̓ ̷̱̗̻̟͔̝̿͂l̴̺͚͖̍͑̎̀̈̏͐̓̕ ̷̯̪͙̘͚͂͂̓̃̀̌̇̀̒a̵̦͙̗̔͋̉̋͝ ̸̨̜̼̊ͅn̶͈̊̆̓̄ ̴̡̻͓̠͓̮͚̋̄́̓͜͜d̸̢̲̬̙͙̭̤͔͆͆͂͆̑

You were running through a train station platform, running up the stairs to the loft area above where the trains come. You were alone, except for a figure playing the guitar close to you. You slowed down as you approached him, hand outstretched, reaching for him. As you felt your hand make contact with him, you heard the words to the song. "Shout at the wall, because the walls don't fucking love you..." The males voice got softer as you felt yourself being pulled away, and you struggled to reach him. You screamed as you reached your hand out to say, "Wait!" The figure started walking towards a train shrouded in mist appeared on the horizon. You saw him jump off the ledge as you screamed in agony. The last thing you heard before he jumped was, "theres a reason, London puts barriers on the tube line. There's a reason they... fail."

ǫ̸̞̝̳͇̥̱̞̬́́́̾̃ ̷̢̥̤̬̥͚̤̃͐̐͝ͅu̸͉̳͈̯͖̍̈́̊̈́ ̵̧̡̬͕̥͎͍̝͙̳͌̃̈́̐̆̍̓͛͝t̷̪͖̤̣̹̆͛͂̔͌̑̐̉͒ ̶̢̪̪͛̏͘͝ ̸̛̹͈̹̼̟̖̬̼͔̅̔̊̍͗͊͝͝ ̴̡̛͔̤͖̺̩̞̌̈̒͝ọ̴̮̜̀̀̈́̈̈́̍͒ ̶̭̝͓̃̄̒̈́̃͊̈́̄̎͘ḟ̷̛̟̮̰̌̏̐̚ ̴̮͓͐̀͌̉̒̒͒͘ ̵̨̻̗̯̱̼̠̮̈́͋̓̐͗͛̚ ̶̢̡͖̟̜̅̃̋̂̒̀̃͠d̷̨̫͈̫͎͎̋̔̅͘ ̸͓̞͕͈̠͑͐̉͘r̸̩̱̞͐̽̄͜͠ ̴̧͉͊̂̉̑̐̓͊͑ͅę̷͉̤͕̬̪̦̬́̆̏̕͜ͅ ̶͇̼̒̑͊̑̍̀̾͋͘͝a̶̦̗̪͖͖̩̫̠̺͓͌̋̎̈̾̏͗͂̚̚ ̴̨̩̯̭͈̯̞͓͖͛̾m̵̛̰̋͆̊̌͝ ̸͚̦̫̓͂̑̃̒́̍̏̈́̆l̵̠̲̱̣̲̑̅͋̔̔̀̕ͅ ̴̭̮̪̫̖̍̋̎̇ã̸̹̘̰̭̹̗̹̣̫̞͌ ̸̨͙̦͍͓̮̖̞̖̂̑̎̓̑͋̔͘͝͠n̴̡̻͔̳̝͉̝̪̹̄͋͊̚͜ ̸͕͎̙̼̫̟̘͔͊̓́̊̀̏́͛́̈́d̸̨̜͕̗͔̠̖̯̏͝ͅ

You woke up with a startled cry, covered in sweat. That had been no dream, it was a nightmare, and a bad one at that. The tune in the nightmare was the one that Wallboy had been playing last night. And the scenario that came with it was horrible. Was the figure Wallboy? And was he singing?

You pushed the memories of the dream to the side as you prepared yourself for work, starting another seemingly uninteresting day in Brighton.

What you didn't know, was that your whole life was about to change.

(1020 words)


First chapter out! Just going to do a few brief explainations rn about who it who.

Underlinded italic - Wallboy

Italic - Y/N (Wallgirl)

KEEP IN MIND these are only the texts when they talk using morse code! These will not carry over to irl conversations. 

Thanks for clicking on my book, drink water, eat food, vote I guess,

-Grey Decemi

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