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It was 6:48, and you were waiting just outside the mailroom. Beth was disappointed you hadn't invited her, but when you offered to bring her along, she said, "Can't, i've got the night shift for he mailroom. Besides, I don't want to be a third wheel." At which point, you threw a shoe at her.

The rain had stopped, but there seemed to be more to come. It was forecast for 8:30, so depending on what you did with Wilbur, it may be interrupted by the rain.

A sudden voice interrupted your thoughts. You heard Beth and Wilbur... Laughing?"

You turned the corner to see Beth happily chatting to Wilbur, and he was holding a letter in his hands. "Hi!" You said, heading towards them. "Oh, hi Y/N! I was just helping Wilbur send his letter." Beth said with a wink. You felt your face grow heated and punched her arm across the table.

"HA! Look who's getting all embarrassed!" Beth shouted with an air of victory, and you leaped across the table like a ninja and tackled her to the floor. You all stood in silence for a second, then burst into hysterical fits of laughter.

Wilbur was stumbling around laughing whilst Beth and you were rolling around on the floor. Many people were staring, but you didn't care.

Wilbur wandered over and helped you up. "Thanks." You said with a grin. His tall figure towered over you, and he smiled warmly. "Shall we get going?"

You realized suddenly, you hadn't a clue what you should do. "Uh, sure? We didn't plan anything." Wilbur smiled sneakily, and his sweet mannerisms and mysterious air warmed you inside.

"I have a few ideas."

Wilbur grabbed you hand and lead you out of the mailroom. You waved to Beth who was preparing to send Wilbur's letter, and she promptly flipped you off. You giggled, and Wilbur smiled wider.

He led you outside. There were puddles of water everywhere due to the non-stop rain in Brighton. You ventured through the city, there were not many people outside (to your surprise, usually it was very busy).

After some time, you finally arrived at what you assumed to be your final destination. A small, empty park. It had flowers everywhere, and looked like there had been barely any human interaction with it.

It was damp from the rain, but there was a large tree that had been sheltering a patch of grass. Wilbur started dragging you over to the patch of dry grass, and you moved with him willingly.

There was a little cafe nearby, and Wilbur said, "I've been there so much I know everyone by name." You laughed. Wilbur let go of your hand and sat down. "We could go there for dinner if you wanted." He suggested with a shrug, and you smiled. "I'd love that."

You both sat there for a few minutes, before you asked, "What do you do for a living? Career wise, I mean." He looked a bit conflicted for a moment, then responded, "I'm an influencer, if that counts." "Influencer? Like PewDiePie and Mr Beast?" He nodded. "Yeah, like them."

"So YouTube then?" You asked him, not persistent enough to seem pushy. "I do a bit of YouTube, mostly Twitch though." "That's cool! How many subscribers do you have?" Wilbur went a little red before responding. "Well, the last time I checked, 5.2 Million..." the rest of it was cut off by a gasp from you.

"So you ARE one of the big YouTubers like Dream and Ninja!" He smiled with relief at your childish manner. "Yeah." "That's so cool!" You said, and he laughed. "It seems surreal sometimes."

"Do you have any hobbies?" Wilbur asked you. You thought for a while. "I mean, I used to, but I haven't had any in years. How about you?" Wilbur gestured behind you, where the cafe was. "I go in there, and play songs on the guitar for the people to enjoy." "Do you do covers?" You said. "I do some covers, but I also play my own."

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