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It had been over a month since you first found out about Wilbur's identity. You hadn't seen him since, but Beth had been giving you updates of his activity. He came to the mailroom twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, to collect his mail. His room was in the other apartment complex that shared a wall with yours. They both had the same mailroom, and Beth often saw Wilbur come in with a guitar case before heading to the elevators.

You had grown very close with Wallboy, to the point where the only thing you didn't know about each other was first and last names. He had bad tastebuds, played the guitar and was in a band. Wallboy was a big fan of beanies, and told you he had a character in a show (you weren't too sure if that was the truth though).

"Come on Y/N, come to the mailroom and ask him out!" Beth argued with you as you shifted in your place nervously. "Beth, that would be weird. Besides, I have plans..." your voice drifted off as you remembered your promise to Wallboy.

Well, we're both lonely, may as well be friends to keep eachother company. I'll be here every night if you want me too.

"I dare you too." "Dares don't work on me Beth, this isn't high school." "Double dare?" "Beth!" "fine then!" Beth said, flinging her arms in the air. "I'll ask him out for you!" "No!" You yelled, grabbing her arms as Beth smiled mischievously. "You do it, or I will." You thought for a moment, then responded. "Fine. i'll do it." Great!" Beth whooped in triumph. "He normally arrives today at four o'clock. Ask him out then." You nodded, a plan formulating in your mind. Time to get a date.

(time skip until three o'clock)

You were positioned and ready, waiting for Wilbur too arrive. Beth was going to text you when he arrived, allowing you to enter the mailroom and ask him the question.

Your phone pinged, and you immediately grabbed it.


Messages: Beth <3

He's here!


Yes really you idiot, go!


You started moving, turning the corner and heading into the mailroom. Sure enough, there he was in all his tall glory. His hair was soaking wet and plastered to his face from the pouring rain outside. He was standing tensely, humming a tune faintly.

You walzed right up to him and said loudly, your voice wavering from nervousness. "Hi." Wilbur turned around, saying, "Oh, hello again!" Such a nice guy. You thought. "I was wondering, maybe you wanted to hang out later?" You asked, having a voice crack halfway through. Jeez Y/N, that was so cringy.

"Yeah, sure!" He said, and you both stood there for a moment awkwardly. But when you made eye contact you both laughed. "I'll meet you here about 7:00?" He suggested. You nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, sounds g-great!" "Oh, I'm Wilbur by the way." He said, holding out a hand for you to shake. You took it and responded, "Y/N. See you later!" You waved, and walked away.

As soon as he was out of sight, you cringed. Did I really stutter?! Oh god that was SO embarrassing.

Your phone pinged.


Messages: Beth <3

Did you do it?


And you though I couldn't ;)

How dare you I had complete trust in you

No you didn't

Some friendship

Hey!! ;-;

(Read: 4:07 pm)

You left me on read. How dare you.

(Read: 4:08 pm)

And you thought we were friends.

(Read: 4:08 pm)


You smiled to yourself, then headed upstairs. You were excited and ready to have a good time.

(587 words)

Hiya guys!

WoAh TwO ChaPTeRs iN tWo DaYS?!

I'd just like to say, I do it because I care <3


DISCONTINUED 𝕄𝕆ℝ𝕊𝔼 ℂ𝕆𝔻𝔼 - 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕓𝕦𝕣 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕥 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now