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You were walking home in the rain, the water dripping onto your raincoat, slipping just past the rim of your hood and dripping down your nose. It had been a long day at work, you mostly having to deal with young children daily.

Of course, you had almost forgotten about your plans with Wallboy. Almost.

Before you had to think about that though, you needed to collect your mail. It was a weekly task of yours, but it was droning. Especially because you had been avoiding the head of the mailroom because you had fallen out with her a week prior. She had invited you to go smoking with her, but you had firmly decided against it, as you had family history with the foul things.

Needless to say, she was quite angry with you, and you had avoided her mailroom shift all week, but you really needed to collect your mail. The main reason being, rent was due this weekend.

You hurried into the room and found yourself at the desk. The girl standing there glared at you, and without a word, started to gather up your mail. As soon as she came back with the small stack of letters, you snatched them out of your hands and spun around, not looking where you were going, and basically ran out of the room.

But your situational unawareness cost you.

You ran headfirst into a tall figure, and you were not quite sure how you missed him in your hurry. The man had to be at least 6'5, and had fluffy, brown hair. You both tumbled to the ground, letters flying everywhere. "I am so sorry!" He exclaimed, reaching around to grab your letters. "No no, it's my fault, I should have watched where I was going!" You said embarrassed. Many more apologies were said by both you and the man. He seemed really sweet.

"Here, again I'm sorry." The man said, passing you the letters you had dropped. "Thank you so much!" You said, and you felt your fingers lightly brush his. The man got up off of the ground, and held out a hand to help you up. You took his hand as he hoisted you onto your feet. The man's hand was warm, and he smiled. "I hope you have a good night!" He said with a nod and a smile, then he was off to collect his own letters.

You stood for a moment, then turned to enter the elevators. They were old, and the lights flickered constantly. Most of the time, just being in the small moving box sent chills down your spine. But today you were much to preoccupied by thoughts of both Wallboy and Mailman (as you had come to know them). You were excited to talk to Wallboy again, and you were also wondering if it could be possible for you and Mailman to become friends. He seemed to kind and gentle, it would do no harm.

You entered your apartment and prepared for a shower, lighting your candles as you went, the smell of abandoned home being taken over by the smell of various flowers. The one you had gotten out for the bathroom was honey smelling, and it was soothing for you.

The sounds of the rain soothed you even more, and as you finished your shower and you dressed comfortably, you were feeling more alive than you had felt in many, many years.

As you heard the faint tapping on the walls, you smiled, and you headed off to talk to Wallboy.

Hiya!! He said first, and you responded immediately. Hi there! How are you? I'm doing well. As you were listening, you had lit your lavender candle. It thickened the air of the room, illuminating the grey painted wall you were facing.

Anything interesting happen to you today? Wallboy asked slowly, the letters being tapped slower than before. Not really. I accidentally ran into someone whilst collecting my mail though, they seemed really chill about it though. You waited for the response, which came slower than you expected. How odd. Someone knocked me over too today. Imaging if it was you hahahha For some reason, the fact that he had spelled out "haha" made you start laughing uncontrollably.  I think I can hear you laughing  Wallboy said and you paused, sure enough, when you listened closely, you could hear vibrations through the wall, not as loud as the knocking. Do you mean you faintly feel vibrations through the wall? Yes, I can feel the vibrations of you laughing. That makes things somehow more funny. We can't hear each other speak, but we can hear each other laughing. You felt him laughing through the wall, then you felt a slight tremor through the floor. Are you alright? Yes, just knocked over a chair. You exploded into a fit of giggles.

You and Wallboy talked late into the night. It was one in the morning when you fell asleep, entering the dreamland that you had traversed many times over your life.

d̸͉̠̝̊͜ ̶̡̙̥̯͖̻̓͊̄͂̆̀r̵̛̲̻̟̟̅̑́̾̈́̍̀̊̕ ̴̯̩̲̣̭̬̦̲̊͑̎̓̎͑̀̊͠e̶̟͚̘͎̗̱̻̿̿̽̔́̕̕͝ ̶̪̉͊̌̌̅̓̆͛ǻ̴̹͔̱̪͍̥͙̙͙̦̂̑̓̉̾́̚ ̶̧̼̤͓͉̱̟̝̽͝͠m̴̡̳̽̓ ̷̱̗̻̟͔̝̿͂l̴̺͚͖̍͑̎̀̈̏͐̓̕ ̷̯̪͙̘͚͂͂̓̃̀̌̇̀̒a̵̦͙̗̔͋̉̋͝ ̸̨̜̼̊ͅn̶͈̊̆̓̄ ̴̡̻͓̠͓̮͚̋̄́̓͜͜d̸̢̲̬̙͙̭̤͔͆͆͂͆̑

You wandered along the same trainstation as before, but this time there were two figures standing on the loft bridge, not one. They were both playing the music. You walked up the stairs, slower this time, as you remembered what had happened last time. "So this is not an act of spite, its a visceral coming-to" The figures sang. One was shrouded in fog, the other wasn't.

The figure you could see was the man from the Mailroom: Mailman. He wasn't singing, but he was watching you with his pretty brown eyes, which glittered with the light of the lanterns above him. He started to walk away from you, heading towards a boarding train, and he hopped on.

Mailman's train started and soon enough, it was gone. You didn't even chase him.

You presumed the other figure was Wallboy, and you stayed to listen to his song. "She wrote an album, now thats something that I can't do." Wallboy stopped singing, then stood. A new train pulled up, and Wallboy headed towards it. You understood now, to move on, you must board a train.
Wallboy turned around and waved as his train pulled out of the station, and faded away into the distance. You hear the sounds of another train arriving, but it is behind you. You board it, grabbing onto the bars above your head as the train pulled out of the station. You waited patiently as the station faded out of sight.

ǫ̸̞̝̳͇̥̱̞̬́́́̾̃ ̷̢̥̤̬̥͚̤̃͐̐͝ͅu̸͉̳͈̯͖̍̈́̊̈́ ̵̧̡̬͕̥͎͍̝͙̳͌̃̈́̐̆̍̓͛͝t̷̪͖̤̣̹̆͛͂̔͌̑̐̉͒ ̶̢̪̪͛̏͘͝ ̸̛̹͈̹̼̟̖̬̼͔̅̔̊̍͗͊͝͝ ̴̡̛͔̤͖̺̩̞̌̈̒͝ọ̴̮̜̀̀̈́̈̈́̍͒ ̶̭̝͓̃̄̒̈́̃͊̈́̄̎͘ḟ̷̛̟̮̰̌̏̐̚ ̴̮͓͐̀͌̉̒̒͒͘ ̵̨̻̗̯̱̼̠̮̈́͋̓̐͗͛̚ ̶̢̡͖̟̜̅̃̋̂̒̀̃͠d̷̨̫͈̫͎͎̋̔̅͘ ̸͓̞͕͈̠͑͐̉͘r̸̩̱̞͐̽̄͜͠ ̴̧͉͊̂̉̑̐̓͊͑ͅę̷͉̤͕̬̪̦̬́̆̏̕͜ͅ ̶͇̼̒̑͊̑̍̀̾͋͘͝a̶̦̗̪͖͖̩̫̠̺͓͌̋̎̈̾̏͗͂̚̚ ̴̨̩̯̭͈̯̞͓͖͛̾m̵̛̰̋͆̊̌͝ ̸͚̦̫̓͂̑̃̒́̍̏̈́̆l̵̠̲̱̣̲̑̅͋̔̔̀̕ͅ ̴̭̮̪̫̖̍̋̎̇ã̸̹̘̰̭̹̗̹̣̫̞͌ ̸̨͙̦͍͓̮̖̞̖̂̑̎̓̑͋̔͘͝͠n̴̡̻͔̳̝͉̝̪̹̄͋͊̚͜ ̸͕͎̙̼̫̟̘͔͊̓́̊̀̏́͛́̈́d̸̨̜͕̗͔̠̖̯̏͝ͅ

You wake calmly. The dream was pleasant, and you recognise the song from somewhere, but you can't remember exactly.

You had a day off, so you lit your candles and sat on your chair by the window, watching the rain slip and fall down the glass panes, relaxing and enjoying the peace today is bringing.

(1138 words)


Thank you guys so much for all the reads and votes, its all very poggers ❤❤❤

Make sure you drink water, eat food, vote I guess :):):)

- Grey Decemi

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