328 11 19

TW: Injury, mentions of possible death


52 missed messages. 4 missed voicemails. And about a million texts from Beth saying "CALL ME ASAP".

But when you finally rung her, you couldn't help but cry.

"Hey Y/N... no, no, I wasn't joking, it's super important... yeah, I'll tell you..."

"A crazy train driver accidentally ran his train off the tracks. 15 people are dead, 24 casualties. It was all over the news, but uh... Wilbur was there, on the train..."

You had heard Beth sniffling on the other end of the line, your heart in your throat, guilt clawing its way up and threatening to choke you, as you could only say one word.

"Is he gone?"


You sprinted as fast as you could to Lia's cafe. You were knocking people over left right and centre as your eyes were set on the destination, but you couldn't care less. The rain was streaming across your face, eyes blurred slightly from the tears building up at their corners.

It was a relief when you finally shoved open the door, the small bell above it chiming as the very person you wanted to see looked up from the counter.

"Y/N?" Lia asked, and you ran forwards. "Is Wilbur okay?" You asked her, breathless from your run. "A few broken bones, and months of recovery ahead of him, but yeah. He's okay." Lia smiled tiredly, and you hugged her over the counter.

"I thought he was gone."

Lia patted your back comfortingly, but then sobered. "He's not in the clear though. There was a head wound, he's alive, but the hospital won't let me see him."

You scowled as fear began to bubble inside you.

"Which railway was it?" You ask nervously, and Lia sighs. "The Tube line."

Glancing over at the stage in the corner, you could hear his voice echo.

"There's a reason, London puts barriers on the tube line."

"There's a reason, they..."



Hiiiiiii!!!! It's been awhile, but I promise you that the story is not over, and there will be more updates to come! This chapter is a little bittersweet, because yay! Update! And nooooo. angst. 

But I hope you're just as excited as me to see the next instalment of Morse Code!

- GreyDecemi <3

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