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It had been almost a week since you first met Wallboy. You had been talking every night, and you felt alive. It had been a long time since you had a friend, and you considered Wallboy to be a very good friend.

The people around you noticed it too. Your co-workers at McDonalds definitely noticed it. You seemed energetic when taking orders, and completed them with care. You said, "hello!" and "good morning!" to people in a genuine way.

You didn't see the difference, and you didn't really realize how much happier you were. You had even come to terms with the Head of the Mailroom on the bottom floor of your apartment building. Her name was Elizabeth, but she went by Beth.

Beth and you were becoming well acquainted with each other, you expressing your dislike of smoking, and Beth respectfully made sure to waft the smoke away from you everytime she did smoke.

You were currently with Beth outside of the apartment complex, just chatting. "Hey Y/N, whatcha thinking about?" She said with an air of curiosity. You shrugged and responded, "Remember that guy I bumped into the other day? I knocked him over, and he helped me pick up the letters I dropped." Beth thought for a moment, then responded, "Yeah, I know him vaguely. Tall guy, 6'5 maybe? Brown hair." You nodded. "Yeah, him. I don't actually know his name." Beth looked at you with a mischievous smile. "What do you know...?" You said exasperated. Beth looked smug. "As head of the Mailroom, I have all the mail records. For example, where you live and your name. I get the letters for him ALL the time." You practically jumped in excitement as you grabbed Beth's arm. "You know his name?!" You yelled, making passers by jump. Beth laughed. "Yep." "Tell me Beth!" You said childishly, and Beth smiled maliciously. "Nope." You stopped in silence. This made Beth laugh even more. "You prick!" You said, slapping her arm. Beth stood up and gestured inside. "Work with me all afternoon and I'll tell you."

It seemed a worthy price to pay for such valuable information.

You and Beth started working, and she made some introductions to the other workers there. There was a sweet boy around nine years old who was working there, and as Beth informed you, he was her son. "Whats your name?" You asked the kid softly, and he responded, "Lium." "i'm Y/N." You said, and you shook his small hand. "Lium!" Beth called from the front. "You take this customer!" Lium stood and dashed out front very quickly.

You could hear the sounds of Lium serving a customer as you sorted through mail. It had been well over three hours since you started working there. Beth approached you and your head darted up. "I think you can get your reward now Y/N." Beth stalked over to the boxes where the letters for each person would be stacked alphabetically. Beth moved over to the W-Z section, and started going through the files. "I'm sure it was here..." she muttered as she eventually pulled out a file. "Here ya go." Beth said, handing the beige coloured paper folder to you.

Name: William "Wilbur" Soot

Date of Birth: (Insert birthday I guess)

You didn't read any further. Wilbur. Wilbur. The name fit him so well, his pretty brown eyes, his soft, brown, fluffy hair. You did the math, he was 25 years old. Not much older than you.

A sharp intake of breath and a quick spurt of laughter brought you out of your daydream. Beth was laughing, and you slapped her arm playfully. "Your face!" She managed to say before she wheezed some more, struggling to breathe. "Beth! It's not that funny!" You said, throwing the folder with Wilbur's information at her, which she narrowly dodged. You dashed at her, and Beth shrieked as you chased her around the mailroom. You knocked her down, and landed on top of her, both of you descending into hysterical fits of laughter.

Life was good.

(610 words)

Sorry about the slow updates, I have them written, just haven't had time to update them :):)

- Author :]

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