362 11 3

You woke up in your bedroom with a slight cough, your head pounding, and 37 unread messages on your phone.

You groaned, eyes flickering to the lit up phone screen. It was 11:27 a.m, meaning that you had definitely missed work.

You hand reached out towards your phone, and you did the face-ID to get in. 28 messages from Beth, seven messages from your mother, one from your boss and one message from a new contact that you hadn't saved yet.

Messages: Unknown

Hi Y/N! It's me, Wilbur from the Mailroom, I just thought I'd save my number so we can talk. :)

Delivered yesterday

Hi Wilbur, sorry about the late reply, I think I have a cold lol

(Read: 11:31 am)

Oh! Do you need anything?

(Read: 11:31 am)

I'm ok thanks. But I appreciate the offer.

(Read: 11:32 am)

I hope you feel better soon :)

(Read: 11:32 am)


(Read: 11:33 am)


A knock was heard on your door, and you called out, "Come in! The door is open." The sound of footsteps was heard, and then a large shape hit the bed. You yelped, startled, and you looked down to see Beth.

"Beth!" You yell, laughing and coughing. "Y/N! You had mail and I thought I would bring it to you!" She tossed a small, folded up piece of paper on your lap. Then, Beth promptly stood up, turned around and left. You could hear the door slam closed.

On the letter, was a small, neatly written word, To my wall buddy. Immediately, you knew that it was Wallboy.

Hey Wallgirl! I looked up which apartment shared a wall with mine, and this address came up! Anyway, I've got some sad news.

My apartment building is going to be knocked down in a month, meaning I have to find a new place to live.

I've found an apartment in your building, and I'll be moving there soon. Hopefully we can meet up before then?

Anyways, do you have discord? If so, send me a letter back with your account name, and I'll add you.

Here's my address: xxx-xxx-xxx.

- Wallboy :)

The letter brought a dancing smile to your face. Wallboy's handwriting was neat but slightly messy at the same time. The letters were small and rounded, and you traced your hand over the dark ink that Wallboy would have traced onto the page.

Standing up from your bed, you place the letter down and head to the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, you see how much of a mess you are, and it makes your nose wrinkle in disgust.

Lighting a candle, you have a shower, the water seemingly washing the sickness from your skin as you stand under the running water. Eyes closed, you smile to yourself as you thought about what you would do today. Reading in bed seemed like a pretty peaceful activity, and you resorted to it. Getting dressed into some comfortable clothes, you pull out your unfinished book, and begin to read.

You don't even notice the light begin to fade, too immersed in the fantasy world that the day sneaks by without your notice. You don't even realize as you drift to sleep. 

DISCONTINUED 𝕄𝕆ℝ𝕊𝔼 ℂ𝕆𝔻𝔼 - 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕓𝕦𝕣 𝕊𝕠𝕠𝕥 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now