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//s3xual jokes made by Scott, a bunch of wholesome cod people, Scott being a jealous gay elf, Wilbur hating on anteaters :)//

// A/N: strap in besties, this is a long one simply because I wanted to incorporate Wilbur's amazingly hilarious hatred for anteaters. I hate those fuckers too, they look like a discombobulated horse like what- anyways, enjoy :) //

Jimmy sat in the murky, greenish waters that marked the outskirts of his empire, waiting for Scott to arrive. He wouldn't be soaked when he emerged, all of his outfits were made to be waterproof, since swimming is their main transportation next to elytras. Swamp fish swam around him, giving him ticklish kisses as he giggked quietly, this is why he loved the swamp. Then, he heard the heavy beating of flapping wings. He poked his head above the water, it was pretty dark so Scott probably wouldn't see him. He landed on the damp grass with a quiet squelch. The elf seemed to be looking around for the Cod king. "Aw, you're looking for me, how cute." Jimmy giggled from his place in the water. Scott's head swiveled around, searching for Jimmy. "Shut up. Where are you?" "Is it safe to come out? You haven't brought anything dangerous?" "Why would I?" Jimmy slowly emerged from the water, wiping the algae(haha gae)out of his now damp hair. Suddenly, Wilbur flew down to them on his elytra. In his hand were two ribbons-one was as blonde as Jimmy's and the other was cyan like Scott's. Wilbur carefully braided the strands into their hair. "Eleven tradition, remember?" Wilbur looked at Scott while he played with the strand. "It will let this empire know that you two are engaged, and will make them feel safer." Scott rolled his eyes. "It's also a little thing i thought of, just so that you two always have a part of each other in you." "He's in me before marriage? How scandalous," Scott smirked, taking pride in jimmy's red face, which he could see thanks to Wilbur's lantern. "Scott." Jimmy hissed, gritting his teeth. "What, are you sad you haven't thought to do it sooner?" "Scott, no. Shut up." The elf chuckled and Wilbur rolled his eyes. "Are we going to the feast or not?" "yes. Yes we are but I have to do something to the two of you." "What are you going to do?" "In order for us to get my empire, we have to swim, however, elves aren't know for swimming well," "Uh huh, I am aware." "So, in order to get there, I have to bestow the Siren's Kiss on the two of you." "And what is that?" "You'll see," Jimmy placed a kiss on Scott and Wilbur's lips, then pulled them into the water. The thrashed, scared. Jimmy covered their mouths and spoke. "Breathe in boys, breathe in." They did as he said and shock was seen in their faces. "Wha-" "That's the Siren's Kiss, now follow me. If you can keep up," the cod smirked and started swimming. Scott laughed and grabbed Wilbur, speeding after him.


The three of them emerged, Scott and Wilbur were surprisingly not drenched in water. "how-" "Siren's Kiss, elfboy." Jimmy reached up and patted Scott's head, to which the cyanette batted his hand away. "I spent way to long trying to look good for this," Jimmy rolled his eye playfully and led them into the empire. Millions of cod people watched as the two kings-along with Wilbur, entered the palace. "Everyone is welcome to join this feast!" Jimmy announced. Many of the people entered the dining room, where a long, very large table sat with delicious looking food. Scott was surprised to see all this good food when he sat down. Jimmy soon sat next to him and Scott smirked to himself, a funn little idea in his head. The dinner started when Jimmy said, "now we eat!" the coversations of overjoyed people filled the air, along with laughter and compliments to Beito, the chef of the palace. Scott looked to Jimm, who was enjoying the food while engaged in a coversation with Wilbur about anteaters.(I had to, i had to bring up the anteaters guys-) "theu're just digusting little fuckers, wjo decided it was a good idea for them to live?" he ranted. Jimmy giggled taking a bite out of a hotdog(i dont fucking know-), then drew in a breath when Scott's hand grabbed his thigh. "You alright there, bud?" Wilbur asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah I'm fine, something just went down the wrong pipe?" "You sure about that, or did you put it in there?" Scott said quietly, which made Jimmy choke on his food. "Scott-!" he growled, kicking the elf's leg. "What? I'm just acting like I love you," he smiled innocently, but Jimmy could see the smugness in his eyes. Jimmy huffed and turned back to Wilbur. "Anyways, what about anteaters gets you off?" "Oh gods, just their little fucking tongues are so long and sticky and literally eat dirt, like who the fuck does that?" JImmy laughed, occasionally shooting a glare at Scott when would grab Jimmy's thighs and make nasty jokes. "They also have those like little legwarmers, like what is this, the 1970's? Little pricks," he scoffed. Jimmy laughed as Wilbur insulted the fluff creature, this really wasn't a conversation he ever thought he'd have."there has to eb something worse than an anteater. Hm,, a wasp? Surely those arr worse." Jimmy said, chiming in. "What a stupid stupid question. No offence to you, that is." "oh, none taken." Jimmy smiled, Wilbur was very kind. He could see Scott glaring at him. "Wilbur, will you excuse me and Scott for a minute?" "oh sure. just don't have too much fun." he winked. Jimmy rolled his eyes and pulled Scott into a seperate room. "What did you want?" Scott asked, glaring at him. "You kept glaring at me while I was talking with Wilbur." "So?" "You're jealous." Jimmy smirked, Scott's cheeks flushed. "I am not jeakous." "Oh, then why do you look like you wanted to kill someone during my conversation with Wilbur?" "That's my resting bitch face." "you really are the most jealous man I've met." "You know other men?!" Jimmy burst into laughter. "Of course I know another men, what kind of question is that?" "Whatever. Let's go back to eating." "Fine, fine." they returned to their seats and Wilbur started back up on the anteaters. "Wasps strike reasonable fear into people. Anteaters strike unreasonable fear into me." Jimmy was laughing, Wilbur didn't blame him-many people laughed when he started this rant. "So you're scared of anteaters?" "If I came up to someone and said 'hey, each day I eat my body weight in ants,' they'd put me in an institution. Why do we let them get away with it?" "Because they're animals?? They're not humans," Jimmy laughed. "What, do you just expect people to just slurp evetything up like oooohm- like-" "Ohh, I knew you'd say that. Another thing, their name is just shit. Shit animal, like who names something after what they eat?!" Jimmy was just laughing. "Oh, there's more Jimmy, I have more reasons to hate those fuckers," "Oh? Like what?" "Would you like a list of what makes anteaters shit motherfuckers?" Wilbur smiled, daring the Cod king. He wasn't being a bitch, he was just playing. "yeah yeah, go on. Pop off, king." "I can give you more than 32." "32?!" Jimmy stared, mouth agape in utterly hilarious shock. Even Scott was now interested. "I'm sorry, since when and why have you hated anteaters so much Wilbur?" he asked. "Everything about them sucks. They look like their walking in the wrong direction, they have creepy as claws, they're babies come out pink and wrong-" "Motherfucker you came out pink and wrong!" Scott laughed. "Did you know that they're tongues are so long it wraps around their brain, like what the actual shit?" "oh my lord-" "They look like they're always judging you too, like motherfucker I'm better than you, you fucking ant eating piece of shit!" "What is this conversation??" "Jimmy- Jimmy, Jimmy. When the last time you said 'mmmm termites they look mighty tasty' Jimmy?" "Never- never in my life," "Do you know how often the anteater says that?" "Everyday?" "LiTeRaLlY everyday, Jimmy. Every single fucking day. They go 'mm termites y u m.' What the fu- what cruel fucking joke was God playing when he decided to create those animals?" Jimmy looked like he was about lose his shit, this was too funny. Scott seemed genuinely invested in his friend's hatred for the animal.  "Look, Wil, if Disney has told me anything it's that if you're hungry enough you can eat insects like Timone and Pumba." Scott laughed. "I want them dead, Scott, i do." "Scott- Sott, they look like fucking discombobulated horses, you're telling me you wouldn't scream if you saw one?!" "no, no I wouldn't." "i-like, when they poo, I bet it gets stuck in their nasty little furry tails and they just walk around with shit in their fur." "Wilbur why-" "Scott, Jimothy, imagine if you will; an anteater takes a poo, right? It just gets stuck in their tails, drying up and clumping the fur together." Jimmy gagged while laughing. Scott shook his head, scrunching his nose. "Okay we're done here. Scott, I'll see you in a while, we can talk about the corruption." Jimmy pulled himself together as he stood. "Alright everyone! Our wonderful visitors will be taking their leave, so why don't you all get back home and get a good rest, yeah? We'll have a productive day tomorrow, right?" all the people agreed, wishing the two elves safe travels and thanking them for coming. 
Jimmy followed to the outskirts where he would leave. "Thank you for coming, Scott. It meant a lot to me." "Of course. And, I'm sorry about this morning, I was just a little salty that you never came out to me. And I've heard that you kissed Sausage." "Wha-" the elf kissed the cod boy's soft lips and flew off, leabing him dazed and flustered.

hope you enjoyed, next one id angsty >:))

Word Count : 1701

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