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heehee angst again
this is gonna be funn

Scott flew around his kingdom, his icy glare was like daggers to the hearts of his villagers as he watched them like a hawk. The had grown accustomed to his powers, and he had done great things with them, like how he surrounded the kingdom with walls of ice to keep his subjects in, they were scared of him, and he enjoyed it. Of course, a letter from Jimmy came to ruin his good mood. he sent the owl off and opened the letter.

Dear Scott,

I know you've kept in touch with me, but I haven't seen you around. It's like you're just staying in your kingdom, like a hermit.

Sorry, that was probably mean. Gem is looking for you, but she can't get to your kingdom, something about it being too cold?

Anyways, we're all worried, and i am too. Please tell me you're okay?

Love, Jimmy

Scott crumpled the paper up, why was Gem looking for him? She hated him, they all hated him. She had told them about his powers and about what he did, he'd heard the things they said about him, and he hated it. He ripped the paper up furiously, they didn't understand. Why would they understand? They wouldn't, they never would! Spikes of ice surrounded him, he was getting too angry, His icy wings clinked together as he descended to the ground where he walked through the village, he need to cool off. Of course, he couldn't. The stares of the villagers were on him, but these were different-they were looking at him like he was a monster, finally, he addressed them. "Stop looking at me like that!" many of the elves were sent flying into the snow, screaming. Those who remained fled. He felt anger boiling inside him like a volcano about to erupt. Why would anyone understand him? He's just the guy that hurt Gem, the elf king who stays inside all day. They all needed to pay, they had all wronged him before. Lizzie tried to scam him, as well as Pix and Sausage, everyone else think he's a monster. If they want a monster, he'll give them a monster. He flew off in to the sky, his wings had finally shed from their chrysalis and were bigger than ever, shimmering beautifully like polished ice. A grin creeped up his face as he had the most winderful idea; winter would come early this year.
He started in the Undergrove, the rolling hills were covered in hard snow, the trees and flowers covered in sparkling ice, those that remained began to wilt, Shubble's wolves were left freezing int he snow, whimpering for help. He moved to the Overgrown, every single flower was frozen in a shell of ice, you could see the original wilting underneath. Cold, slippery snow covered every inch of Katherine's once lush and beautiful land, it was more beautiful in this winter wonderland. FWhip's place was easy, every trace of the demon's corruption was covered, now that Xornoth was taking a rest to plot his pans, Scott could do what he'd wanted to do for so very long. Pix and Sausage's were also pretty easy, the snow glimmered under the sun and gray clouds-of course, Scott could only freeze certain parts of Pix's land since it was a desert. The mesa kingdom looked ever so gorgeous under the snow, the Joel clones were frozen over and all of the bright concrete suffocated under the snow. Lizzie's ocean froze over easily, although she wasn't happy. Next was Crystal Cliffs. As Scott froze the land over, the dragons rushed at him, one managed to claw his wing. Angered, the elf froze the three dragons midair, leaving them as nothing but statues of glittering ice.
For some reason, it was hard for Scott to freeze over the swamp kingdom. Not physically difficult, but something inside of him was telling him it wasn't right. he ignored the though, after all, Jimmy was doubting him, they were all doubting him. The murky waters were covered in a sheet of ice, the spruce cabins impaled with spikes of hard ice. He heard terrified screams of the cod people as they tried to flee, but fell on the slippery ice. Jimmy didn't seem to be here, but he would see Scott's beautiful present. He flew off into the clouds, snowfall followed wherever he went.

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