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//this is just an interlude to your regular program because it's valentine's day and im in a good mood :) This is just Flower Husband's fluff, as you can assume. Hope you enjoy :)//

Jimmy paced around his room, debating whether or not to send the letter to Scott. What letter, pray tell, did he want to send? It was a letter asking Scott to go on a Valentine's Day date with him since it was, obviously, Valentine's Day. So, why don't we read over Jimmy's letter?

Dear Scott,

Today is Valentine's Day(you probably know that since you're so smart and everyone knows what day Valentine's Day is), and I was wondering if you would like to do something with me instead of just staying in your room doing your "work".
You're probably wondering what we could do today, aren't you?
Well, I want to treat you to a very special Valentine's Day date in Joey's empire. I know you don't really like him all that much-for obvious reasons-but I made him swear on his life that he won't bring Xornoth into this and ruin our date.

You don't have to say yes, but it would be very nice if you did (。・・。)

I look forward to your answer.


It wasn't a bad letter, no, Jimmy was scared that Scott would say no and hate him. After a lot of procrastinating and doubting his choices, Jimmy tied the letter up with a bow and sent it off with one of his birds. After that, the anxiety came. What if he said no? What if he laughed at him? What if he got angry at Jimmy for even suggesting such a stupid thing, let alone in the place owned by the person he hates more than his own brother? Jimmy groaned, flopping down on his bed, rubbing his temples. "Come on Jimmy, pull yourself together. This is Scott we're talking about, of course he'll say yes-then again, it is Scott, so he might say no-god this is so annoying!!" the codfather groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. "Maybe I should just go for a little swim, yeah?" he agreed with himself and exited his home, diving into the murky waters and swimming around, playing some hide and seek with the cod and minnows. After a while, he decided it was time to see if Scott replied. To his surprise, he found a letter on his table with a cyan ribbon, it read,

Dear Jimmy,

Of course, I would love to go on a date with you. Although, I don't particularly like the fact that it will be in Joey's empire, but I will take your word and trust him just this once.
Also, yes I am so very very smart, thank you for noticing. (ÚwÚ) But are you suggesting I don't do actual work?(ง'̀-'́)ง

Anyways, yes, I will go on a date with you. I don't expect you to dress up, but I'd love to see you in something nice-not that your usual get-up isn't nice.

See you in an hour?

Yours, Scott♥

Scott sent the letter off with his owl and sighed a dreamy sigh. Yes, he was in love with Jimmy. Yes, he loved romantic dates with a passion-despite never have gone on one himself( ͒˃̩̩⌂˂̩̩ ͒) -And yes, he was deeply in love with a fish. Almost immediately, Jimmy sent back a response. He quickly took off the ribbon and read over the paper.

Dear Scott,

I'm so happy to see you said yes!! (≧▽≦) 
And yes I can definitely be there in an hour!

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