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Wrong person?


Kingston watched as the man or boy he captured drank water from the glass hurriedly and greedily without a moment to spare. 'He must be very thirsty'.  He thought as he eyed the glass after he had finished, not a single drop remaining. 'I should get him another glass'.And that was what he was about to do when he saw the 'manboy' look up at him and opens his mouth to say something, "thank you". Kingston had never been thanked before for anything. What thanks would you get when you were in his type of business. None obviously. And this manboy just said it because of a glass of water. He felt all warm and fuzzy inside his chest.

"Do you want another glass of water?" He doesnt know why he says it. It didn't even register to him that his brain had worked against him and his mouth just spilled out something. This was someone he just 'napped. He wasn't supposed to be nice to him. But he somehow feels drawn towards the manboy already. It was probably because of the thanks he had received before. The manboy slowly nods his head, eyes to the floor. He walked out, going into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water instead of a glass, he appeared to be very thirsty. 'That must what is causing the cough and pain'.

His feet led him back inside the small room where he keeps his captives until they are either killed or pet go after viable info has been gotten from them. He doesnt know what happens to them after he gives them to the people that asks him to kidnap and quite frankly he does not care. After this job, am finally free from this $hitty life. He enters the room and he saw the manboy looking around the room until they eyes meet. Deep blue  eyes meeting his hazel brown ones. His manboy's eyes were a deep shade of blue with flickers of cobalt dancing around on them making them seem a little cerulean, like the sky on a clear day under the bright light of the room. He saw fear flash in them before recognition takes over before he darts his eyes down downwards to the bottle of water in his hands. Kingston pushed his left hand into the back pocket of his black leather pants and brought a sachet of white pills. Slightly cylindrical with a  horizontal slash in the middle but not to much to actually divide the pill into two separate pieces.

He set them on the floor as he untied his captive's hands and pushed the water into his hands, bringing out two of the whitish pills from the transparent sachet and dropping them on the manboy's hands.

"They are painkillers. It will help reduce the pain in your throat and your head". The manboy nodded as he took the pills gratefully muttering a small thank. Kingston could not decipher what the warm feeling in his chest was but he knew it shouldn't be there.

He watched as he placed the two pills in his mouth and use the water to wash it down with the bottle of water in his left hand. 'He must be left handed'. Not that he noticed because he was watching intensely or anything. He just saw him and made an assumption. Kingston just watched the scenario in silence.

The phone in the top pocket of his also black leather jacket rang, startling the both of them. He winced as the manboy jumped at the sound of phone tearing through the comfortable silence surrounding them, dropping the bottle of water in his hands. Still uncovered. The both of them watched as the water kept spilling onto the  once dry floor with gusto until it ran out with only a little remaining at the bottom. He brought his phone out, answering it with his deep voice and a frown on his face as he saw the caller ID, "I've done the job. The boy is with me".
After a series of 'hms' and 'oks'. He cut the call. The call was from the people that wanted him to 'nap his manboy. They were coming to get him tomorrow. He couldn't help but feel sad. He had never gotten attached to any of his captives, mostly because he never treats them well or they never stay too long but he had grown attached to the manboy. And he hasn't even known him for 30 minutes!

Instead of brooding and overthinking before he does something stupid, Kingston decides to leave the manboy be but not before catching a glance at his peaceful sleeping face. The shape of his head almost heart shaped, his nose a little bit pointed, cheeks, a little full and lashes long enough to touch his cheekbones as he slept. His skin was tanned, like he has to work under the hot sun all day. He lifted his hands slowly and felt his palms. 'They are rough and calloused. Like that of a hard worker. How is that possible?'  The people he kidnapped were mostly people of power, their children or relatives or just rock kids.  And his manboy doesnt look the part. Could he have gotten the wrong person? But that's not possible. He was the one in the picture. Maybe he is the look alike of the person?  No. That's not it. There must be a mistake. He would questioned the manboy tomorrow but for now, 'I need my sleep'.

A/N: Do you guys think Kingston is right? Did he really 'nap the wrong person? Continue reading to find out. Comments 😪❤

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