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An hour [I]


Max woke up to the blinding lights of the small room. He felt very uncomfortable. His joints were aching and his neck was stiff from sleeping in one direction, with his head hanging from the side of the chair. It took him awhile to fully remember the situation which he was in. He had been 'napped. He still didn't know why and how. His captor on the other hand was really nice. Getting him water and drugs to help his aching throat. He couldn't help but smile remembering the man's face when their eyes met. His hazel brown eyes were shining in the light making them seem like a shade of golden. His cheekbones were well defined. His jet black hair, a wavy mess. Hot mess. He couldn't also help but remember how well defined he was. How well fitted the shirt he wore was, outlining the man well sculpted abdomen. How his leather pants fit him so well, he could almost see... Max has always been open about his sexuality and is not afraid to flaunt it and arguing with does judging him. He was attracted to men and he was as sure as hell attracted to the man that 'napped him. But he was going to be killed sooner or later so instead of wallowing in his new found crush and his features, he started deciding what or who he wanted to be when he is reincarnated. Something along the line of being a rich gay man with a hot body that will make both gay and straight men drool when they see him. He would own... His train of thoughts about his reincarnation was shorten by the appearance of his newest crush into the small room and he smiled. And Max almost had a heart attack.

His stomach did flips, which he, himself could not do, when he set his eyes on his captor. He looked as though he had just woken up. His hair was a mess, his pajamas stuck unto him like he was just under the rain. He could swear upon a thousand mountains that he wasn't wearing an underwear under his pjs. Max could see himself mentally drooling at the sight of the Adonis before him. He could feel his deck twitching.

His captor seemed to be in a good mood today, so he decided to indulge in it, test his luck to see if he can get some food. He hasn't eaten for hours and even though he was used to it, his stomach was painfully aching him. He could leave sworn that things were in there fighting with each other.

His stomach growled so loudly, the man turned and looked at him with an amused expression on his face. Max turned cherry red and turned his face downwards in embarrassment. 'God. This is so embarrassing.' Max thought.

"Are you hungry? If you wanted food, you could have just said so. I might be a 'napper but am not that wicked." His captor said with a smirk on his face. Even with the irony in his words, Max 's face turned hopeful at the mention of food, so lifted his face up to meet his captor's and put a pleading, cute puppy expression on his face

"Yes. I am quite hungry. Can I have some food? I mean anything would do. Maybe just a few slices of bread and a glass of water. Or... or you could just give me just a slice of bread, I'll be happy anyway or maybe just a glass of -" His rambling was cut off by the man's laughter which sounded beautiful to Max's ears. He couldn't help but blush.

"Okay, okay. Quit rambling. I'll bring you something to eat. Mind you, I don't have much here." Max just nodded his head happily, smiling. He just wanted something to eat, as long as it was edible. He couldn't care less if it was a bowl of cereal without milk. He would just eat it dry. Beggars don't have a choice. The man turned to leave, when he got to the door, he turned towards Max and said," and you look very cute when you're rambling. Awwn your cheeks are so red. Cute". He cooed and laughed as he left and shut the door behind him. And true, Max's cheeks were so red. Even his ears were tinted a light shade of red. 'Was he flirting with me?" Max blushes even more at the realization. No way. I shouldn'ttske anything he says to heart. He would probably, very soon hand me over to the people that asked for me to be 'napped. I wished we met under normal circumstances.' Max mused with a sigh.


"There is no way he is the one I was asked to 'nap. There must be a mistake with the higher ups. He was sweet and down-to-earth". Kingston couldn't just wrap his head around what was happening. He brought out his phone and went to his gallery. He was the same person in the picture. What is the connection? 'Why do they want him? He looks as if he doesnt have anything to his name. So why?' He decided to think about that later. Now, he need to get the manboy his food. Kingston smiled as he remembered how red he was when he said he was cute. It hadn't even being 24 hours yet and man, he was whipped. He smile turned into a frown and a sad sigh when he remembered he wasn't going to be seeing him after an hour. He would make most of this hour.

He made mac and cheese and glass of warm honey milk for the man. He smiled joyfully when he tasted his work. He put everything into a small tray with a bottle of water.

Getting into the small room, he saw that the manboy was asleep. Again. His beautiful long lashes resting peacefully on his cheeks, curving upwards only slightly. He watched as his cute, sharply carved nose flared as he inhaled and exhaled air, how his eyebrows came together and his mouth turned to a frown. Kingston wondered whether he was having a bad dream, well one wouldn't have a nice dream in his present state. His lips pressed together to formed a pout and all Kingston wanted at that very moment was to kiss him senseless. He watched on as his frown seized and the pout turned slowly into a full blown smile, relaxing the skin between his brows and releasing the tension on his lips. He looked so relaxed, Kingston wanted to let him sleep on but he knew he had only an hour to spend with the manboy, so he placed the food on the small side table by the side of the room and shook him awake.

The man awoke and all kingston saw was fluffy cuteness. His eyelids twitched, his eyebrows furrowed together as if annoyed that he was awoken, his mouth twitching to form a frown. When he fluttered his eyelids open, kingston was blown away by the beauty of his eyes. He could just get lost in the vast open sky that was his iris. The blue-eyed man boy's frown turned to a smile when he saw him and Kingston's stomach did a triple flip.

A/N: Am happy that some people are reading this book even though it's from an amateur like me. Am really grateful.😢❤

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