☆Excerpt And A/N☆

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Feral Stone: Vampires [Book 1]🔴

Prologue 🌟

Things have been really hard for Andrew and his mother since his father had died about a year ago. Everything reminded Andrew of him, everything reminded his mother of his father even himself. He had always looked very much like his father. The accident that took his father's life had been one stupid mistake. Just one drunken truck driver and everything went downhill from there.



A phone rang.

"Andrew pick the call, it might be your dad calling."

"Dad, where are you? You said you would get home earlier today?" Andrew had said, immediately he picked the call.

"Is this Mr. Powers' wife?

"No, I'm his son. Is any thing the matter? Why are you with my dad's phone?" Andrew asked as he started panicking.

"Your father was just involved in an accident, he has been rushed to City Hospital". The stranger answered. The phone fell out of Andrew's hands and split open.

"Andrew what is it?"


A/N: This is the beginning of the prologue. It's already published, so please check it out. I'll create a way for me to update, so it won't be like His Captor, very random.

Am going to be starting university very soon, so I'll have to find out the time best for me to update.

In another news: I've decided to make His Captor, the first book of my first series. The His Series.
The second book is named His Master.

Excerpt from His Master


Noah was strolling through through city park, taking in the fresh air and the bright sunlight. There was a bounce to his step. He was feeling exceptional happy today. 'What a great day to be out in the sun after being stuck indoors 'cause of the rain. He thought as he hopped over a small puddle made by the rain that fell last night.

The air was crispy fresh, it was as if the air was washed clean by the previous night's rain shower. The sun was at its brightest but not too hot, just warm enough, to chase the cold of the previous night away and warm up his skin. And there was not a cloud in the sky to cover the sunlight. 'What a beautiful day'.

Follow me to know when I'll publish it and I'll also put it up on my profile.


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