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An hour [II]

Max could believe neither his eyes nor his nose when he saw and perceived the delicious and tantalizing aroma of the bowl of mac and cheese resting on a table by the side of the wall. He hadn't had mac and cheese in a long time. It was his favorite food right after spaghetti and meatballs. But sadly, after his parents passed away in a car accident, he couldn't afford them anymore and he had to eat anything he saw on the streets.

He looked up to the big man leaning against the wall with his back and his arms crossed, a leg propped onto the wall, his saliva dried, he would rather let this man eat him. But he shook off the naughty thoughts and turned towards the food and tried to telepathically bring it towards him. When he couldn't, his mind flashed him an idea and he looked up at the man again and said, "can you please feed me? As you can see, am tied up and I have no means of eating the food." He said, as he praised his mind inwardly for bringing up such a wonderful idea but just then the big man went to the back of his chair and slowly untied him. His big fingers trailed his hand and unknotted the ropes very slowly.

Max was almost too sure that the man was trying very hard to make him hard. And it was working. He was very sensitive. Finally he was done. The big man pushed the side table with the tray of food on it, towards him. Max was both happy and sad by the outcome.

Firstly, he was happy that he could finally move his hands very freely and could finally eat.

Secondly, he was sad because that means he wouldn't be fed. His plan had crashed.

His mouth formed a pout but he shook it off. 'At least I have food to eat". Max thought but as he reached for for the utensil placed on the tray his hand was stopped. He looked up at the man and pursed his lips, eyebrows furrowed together , wondering what the man wanted. The fork was picked up and put into the food. And was slowly brought up to his lips. Max rejoiced within him but didn't show it outwardly but he couldn't help the smile that escaped onto his lips.

"What is your name?" The big man asked.

"Shouldn't you know or are we playing twenty-one questions?" Max boldly replied with another question.
But the man gave him a scary unamused expression which quickly reminded Max that he was this man's captive. So he quickly answered,"sorry, my name's Max, it's the short form of Maxmillian." He said with a smile on his face. The man nodded and said his name as if he was trying the imprint the name into his head, which confused Max even further. 'Why would he want to know my name? Shouldn't he already know?'


"Max". Kingston whispered, even though he liked the way, the name sounded as he said it. He couldn't help but be angry. 'But that isn't the name on the file. His name is supposed to be Anthony. How did these people make such a big mistake.' To say Kingston was furious was an understatement but he couldn't be sure just yet.

"What is yours?"

"Mmm". Kingston replied, not really hearing what he said as he was lost in thoughts.

"I asked for your name." The manboy answered.

"Are you supposed to ask your 'napper his name?" Kingston asked with an eyebrow raised.

"The same way you don't ask for your captives name seeing as you're supposed to know." The man boy replied defiantly.

"What if I just saw you and liked you and decided to make you my captive?"  He asked as he scooped up a portion of the mac and cheese with the fork and brought it up to his mouth.

"I would believe it, seeing as I have nothing to my name, not even a roof over my head. I still wonder why you 'napped me in the first place but now I know why." He replied when he was done chewing and swallowing.

'I still wonder about it myself. That means the agency made a mistake and he captured the wrong person. He is supposed to be a spoiled rich boy with smooth hands but Max's hands are the hands of a handworker.' Kingston groaned loudly from his frustration. His aggravation growing as to how the agency could make such a stupid mistake.

"What's wrong?"

'Everything is wrong.' But instead he said, "nothing's wrong", with a small, forced smile on his face. And he fed the boy.

"Okay, if you say so. But you've not yet answered my question."

Kingston's eyebrows came together as he frowned and tried to remember the question. The manboy faceplamed .

"I asked about your name".

"Oh. Yes. The name's Kingston".

"Real name or..."

"Real name."

"Why would you give away your real name? What if I escape and report you to the police?" The manboy asked, genuinely confused as to why he gave his real name.

He leaned down and pressed his lips on the man's ear before whispering, "nothing will be done to me". The man hoy shivered against him and Kingston grinned. With a smirk on his face, he sat upright again and said, "enough questions from your side. How old are you?"

The man boy's face tinted red, all the way to his ears as he stuttered and tried to produce and answer. Kingston was legitimately happy and proud of the effect he had on little Maxxy. He visibly cringed when his subconscious produced that nickname. He brought the warm honey milk to the boy's lips and drank gratefully. He licked his lips but there was still a bit resting on his face, just above his soft, pink lips. A milk mustache. He leaned forward and used his tongue to pick it off. And sat back as though it didn't phase him but his heart was beating just as loud as he knew the boy's own would.

Max stuttered to speak, again but he couldn't get any word out. Kingston couldn't help to replay that moment a thousand times in his head. It was perfect. He had to taste those lips. He leaned forward again and captured Max's lips.

A/N: Wow. Two updates in a day. Guess I was feeling it.❤

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