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"What the hell do you mean he's not the one?" Kingston said with an annoyed voice, even though he was ecstatic inside. The shorter man shivered in fear and stuttered but couldn't get any legible words out.

"Speak before I beat the fucking shit out of you". Kingston added when the man couldn't say anything. He made his voice extra deep and hoarse in order to instill fear into his 'guests' and it seems liked it worked seeing as the two men continued stuttering and shivering. Their face marred with pure fear. 'Am not really that scary, am I?' Kingston questioned himself, a little bit confused, then he shook his head and stared at the two flops standing in front of him.

"He... He's... Emmm...  I mean to say that this boy... I don't... I don't think he's the right one".

"You don't think he's the right one?" Show me the photo of who I was meant to 'nap then?!"  Kingston snapped, even though happy at the miniature ray of hope. 'Please, let him not be the one's. He silently praying, crumbling inwards but wearing an unwavering stonic outlook.

The man searched his pockets, hands shivering, beads of sweat trailing down his chin and biting his lips albeit praying that he was wrong and the boy here was the right one even though he knew it wasn't true, the boy was too young. Finally finding his phone and quickly unlocking it. The look on his face told Kingston that he hoped he was wrong. But then, the color in the man's face drained and he became pale. He looked at kingston and back at the phone, praying that by some miracle, the picture changes to that of the boy. And then he started to stutter again, his pale blue shirt becoming slightly wet from the amount of sweat he was producing. Je looked at him partner whose face also paled. Kingston knew from their facial expressions what had happened and he needed no more conviction. 'Max is not the right person. Oh thank the heavens'. He thought gratefully and smiled. Mentally of course. Can't have them thinking otherwise, so he morphed his facial expression into that of feigned  annoyance and irritation and a hint of anger.

"What did you say?!" Kingston asked in a tone full of feigned rage. The shorter men shook and stuttered, trying to find what to say to get out of the unfortunate position. They all knew about Kingston's fury and how it burned like wild fire destroying a forest filled with trees, he's anger was hard to tame. They knew from his tone that he was very annoyed.

"I asked a question! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" Kingston asked them again in feigned fury. He was having so much fun. The men shook and the shorter of the two managed to get a little courage and voiced out in a barely heard voice, "he's not the one".

"So you two are telling me that I just 'napped an innocent person, wasted both time and resources to get the person, risked my life and you two are telling me THAT HE'S NOT THE RIGHT PERSON!! ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!" Kingston was not really that mad but he sure was a little bit angry. What if it was another person that was hired to 'nap Max? He would be killed on the spot, not even knowing why and dying for absolutely no reason.

Kingston had always hated how unorganized the Agency was and it really  was annoying being an organized man himself. That was one of the reason he wanted to retire and leave as soon as possible. He didn't care if he caught the right person or not. He was leaving but at at least he was leaving with Max. Where they can be together without any intrusion.

"S- sire, it's... it's not entirely our fault. It must be the fault of the technical crew. T- they are the ones in charge of sending the photos to all the 'nappers. I- it must have been a mistake". The taller of the two men spoke after regaining a little bit of his guts but still stuttering from fear.

'If it was really a mistake, what was Max's photo doing with them? He looks poor and his hands felt like the hands of a hardworker and he looks so petite and fragile even though I know better. Had they meant to send another 'napper to get him? If yes, then  why?"

"What do you mean by the technical team sent the photo by mistake? I thought we only dealt with rich people, so what is this now?" Kingston asked, slowly getting infuriated at the two men in front of him.

"I- I don't know sir. I don't know w- why they have his picture and he d - doesn't look like a rich one, s- something must be wrong with the system. We'll quickly go and check and get back to you". The taller of the two men replied again whilst stumbling over his words because of fear.

"That's okay. I'll set him free. Thank the heavens, he hasn't yet seen my face". He winced inwardly as he lied. He hated lying. He continued, "Check why he's picture is there and get back to me and am already retired. I just want to know". Kingston really wanted to know why they wanted him or whether this was all a mistake.

The photographer must have taken his picture by mistake but he must find out. He doesn't want anything to disrupt his future with Max, if he can stop it and if Max wants him in his future. But this was not the time to think about all of this.

The two men left shortly after promising to get back to Kingston on  what they will find out, if there was anything to find out.

Max woke up shortly after the two men left but max said he was a light sleeper and he was awake by the time they stepped into the small room. He thought it was better that he pretended that he was asleep. Kingston hummed in acknowledgment.

"So does this mean that am free?" Max asked worriedly with a hint of fear in his facial expression making kingston unhappy.

"Doesn't worry, they know better than to come after you. I'll make sure I get to the bottom of why your photo was in their system". He replied lovingly while rubbing his nose against Max's and using his hands to trailing his face. Max laughed a little and pushed him to arms length.

"And you looked quite hot defending me like that?" Max said slyly, running his tongue sensually at his bottom lip before taking it in between his teeth and biting it suggestively. Kingston eyes turned darker and he pushed himself forward and captured Max's lips with his own. Pressing him hard against him and Max moaned, using that chance, he slipped his tongue into Max's lips and groaned at the delicious taste of the manboy.

He tasted like honey milk and sugary wafers. Kingston mentally cringed at the cheesiness of his mind but he couldn't deny the tantalizing taste of the boy's mouth. He dominated the kiss after a minute of struggling from Max. He felt Max's hands in his hair, gently tugging and pulling as he pressed his lips harder unto the older.

He carried the manboy, straddled him against his waist, not breaking the kiss of a second. He carried Max out of the small room, bending a little to leave through the short door.

He reached the door of his room and kicked it open and carefully placing the boy on the bed. He broke the kiss to take a look at the beautiful boy and he looked absolutely gorgeous with his hair dishevelled and his swollen pink lips parted as he panted heavily.

"That was the best makeout session I've ever had". Max said, smiling, when he had regained his ability to speak and kingston laughed.

"Do you want to take this further, mi amor?" Kingston asked as he pressed his hard on unto Max's crotch earning a groan from the younger.

"Yes please".

A/N: so... the next chapter will be the last. I want to focus on my new novel in search of the stone and His master, which is the book two of the His series. And also because am having major writer's block and I want to end this book as soon as possible.

I got an idea to make a series book. It was totally random. The second book is named His Master, a bdsm book.

Last chapter will be published tomorrow or the next, probably.

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