Chapter 11

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* Darcy's pov*
**** Saturday ****


That's my phone. I groan and sitting up in bed Checking who texted me.

* lexi: have fun on your date with niall!!! Xx hehe*

Yeah the other night when I was at Lexis I told her that I was going out with niall. She had a freak out. Haha it was hilarious and a bit scary.

* Darcy: oh I will! Very excited! :) xx*

Another message came in.

* nialler: so excited! See you in half! Xx *

* Darcy: Same here, cya then! Xx*

* nialler: * kissy face* ;)

I laughed.

Naw why was he so cute! Snap out of it Darcy he doesn't like you. Why would he like someone like you and with a fucked up life story and I've lied to him. He's to perfect and he has every girl in the world he won't want me.

I jumped out of bed and grabbed my bikini and some denim shorts and a stussy tank top.

I love stussy!

I went in the bathroom got changed and did my make up and hair. I put my hair half up after down and walked back out. I grabbed my phone and beach bag that had my wallet, hat and towel. Oh I need my sunnies. I grab them from my dresser and walk out my bed room door. I walk into the lounge room to see graham asleep with a beer glass in his hand and a few on the ground. I rolled my eyes and picked them up and put them in the recycling bin. I walked out the door and down the road to Starbucks.

" wanna grab a drink before we go?" Niall asked as I got there.

" yeah definitely" I say as we walk into the shop and order. I ordered the usual and niall got a coffee. After we got our drinks we started walking to the beach.

" it's an actual perfect LA day for the beach" niall grinned looking at the sky.

" I know right! I love these days" I say smiling.

" oh niall" I say and he looks at me.

" yes?"

" um I got invited to a party that's tonight and really i don't want to go but if you do then I'll go I guess" I say.

" well as fun as that sounds I was thinking maybe we have dinner at the beach and then come back to mine and watch movies. "

" oh wow that sounds so much better than a party" I laugh. " I'm in"

" okay cool" he said as he grabbed my hand and locked our fingers together. Fireworks shot though me. Niall smiled at me and I smiled back.

" oh look the beach!" I say starting to run and pull him with me. He laughed as I pushed people aside.

When we got down to the beach we put all our things down and niall took his shirt off.

Oh my god. He's frikin hot!

" are you like looking for something?" Niall smirked as he noticed I was staring.

" n-nothing" I blushes and he laughs.

" come on I wanna go in!" He said. I laugh and I took my shorts off and then my top. I could see niall staring in the corner of my eye. I smirked and looked at him.

" are you looking for something?" I laugh and he blushes this time.

" come on! Let's get in!" I say as he grabs my hand and we run to the water.

" ugh shit it's cold!" I say as I stop at the shore line.

" oh come on!" Niall said. He was already in the water and swimming around.

" ugh it's too cold!" I wine standing there as he starts running out of the water. He grabbed me and picked me up bridal style. " no! Niall stop!" I squeal laughing.

" sorry but it's the only way to get you in" he said as he jumped into the water. I screamed as I can up to the top of the water.

" you dick!" I laugh splashing water at him.

" you love me!" He laugh as he came up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

" EW no never!" I laugh pushing him off me. He faked pouted.

" naw fine" he said as he swum away.

" no niall!" I laugh swimming after him. He stopped and he turned around and looked at me. I ran up and hugged him. I buried my head in his neck. He chucked and kissed my head. I put my hands over my face to wipe the water away. I looked up at him and he looked at my lips then eyes. He started to lean in as i splashed him. I laugh and swim away.

" Darcy!" Niall yelled laughing as he started swimming after me.

I might have just ruined the moment but I don't really want to be in a relationship just yet.

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