Chapter 23

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We have been in the car for about an hour and I was getting bored.

" so where are we going?" I said putting my hand on nialls thigh.

" it's a surprise" he winked.

" naw come on ni" I started moving my hand up nialls thigh. I smirked as I noticed nialls eyes widen and his fists turning white around the steering wheel. I kept running up hand up till I almost got to his crutch. Niall coughed and grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

" babe you'll make me have an accident. " Niall smirked at me.

" but I'm bored" I whine.

" don't worry, we're almost here" he said squeezing my hand.

After about ten minutes we finally stopped at this parking lot in the middle of the bush. I looked out the windows confused as Niall got out of the car and ran over to my door and opened it. Niall held out his hand as I took it and jumped out. I looked around confused as why we were here. I had no idea where we were.

" where are we Niall?" I say still looking.

" just follow me" Niall said grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers and started pulling me over to little pathway.

" Niall we are literally in the middle of a forest!" I said walking beside him down the pathway.

" yes we are but don't worry I know where I'm going" Niall chuckled as I heard a loud noise.

" was that- was that an elephant" I said shocked and then I heard it again. " Niall where the frick are we going!" I said starting to get excited. Niall laughed as we turned a corner and saw two elephants tied by a tree.


I let go of nialls hand and ran over to the elephants. The elephants made their noises as I pat the top of there trunks.

" Niall this is awesome!" I said as I ran over to Niall and jumped into his arms. He laughed.

" it's about to get better" he said walking me over to the elephants.

Both elephants had saddles on and there was a rope tied to one to the other.

Niall took me over to one of them. I started patting one and someone walked around to where we were standing, I jumped a bit and turned around to see him.

" hello there, I'll be helping you guys tonight on your ride to the fields. Let's get going yeah?" He said. I looked wide eyed at Niall who smirked, nodding as I turn back around and smiled at the guys.

The guy yelled something at the elephant and patted it's bottom which caused it to sit down. I stood there in stock.

' wow ' I mouthed to Niall and he nodded, grinning.

" come on come on" the guy said grabbing my hand and helping me on the elephant. As I sat in the saddle I looked at Niall and he gave me the thumbs up. The guy pulled a rope around my waist to keep me strapped in so I didn't fall off.

" you ready?" The guy said and I nodded. He yelled something at the elephant and patted it again as he stood up.

" shit!" I laughed. I felt so high up and I felt like I was going to fall. The elephant just stood still calmly as the guy got Niall up on his elephant.

" do they have names?" I said to the guy as nialls elephant stands up. I laugh as I look at nialls scared face.

" the elephants are both boys. The one your riding is called sony and the one Niall is riding is called rudy. " the guy said.

" oh they are so cute!" I said patting sonys head.

" thank you miss! So Niall you lead the way and then you miss will go behind don't worry there's at rope so sony won't run away and I'll walk all the way behind. " the guy said and Niall and I nodded. " just squeeze your legs on each side of the elephant to make it move" he said and Niall did what was told.

He started riding down the track and I followed behind him.

" so having fun?" Niall yelled from rudy.

" yes! Oh my god Niall is this the best date I've ever had!" I yelled back.

" you just wait there's more!" He yelled and I smiled widely.

" why are you so perfect!" I say knowing he won't hear me.

I looked around looking at the forest around me. I looked behind me and the guy was actually quiet a long way away, he probably wanted to give us privacy. I looked ahead of me and saw Niall staring at me smiling widely. He winked and I winked back causing him to laugh.

' almost there ' he mouthed to me and I nod smiling. He turned back around as I start patting Sony.

I lost track of time because I was talking and patty Sony that I didn't noticed we had stopped and the guy was helping Niall off rudy.

I looked around. We were in the middle of a huge grass field, all around the field was just bush. I could see a few lights not to far away in the field because I was so high up but I don't know why they are there.

" you ready to get off miss?" The guy said as I stopped looking around and looked down at Niall and the guy on the ground.

" hum yeah sorry I'm ready" I said. The guy did what he does and the elephant sat down.

I don't think I'll ever get used of that. It scares me every time when he goes to stands up or sits down. My stomach like drops when it happens.

Niall reached his hand out for me so I grabbed it and he helped me up. I hugged Niall and pecked him on the lips.

" that was amazing Niall!" I said. " thank you sir" I said to the guy I never knew the name off.

" Gary" he simply said.

" well thank you Gary" I said.

" it was my pleasure. Well I'll be off. Say goodbye to Sony and rudy" Gary said.

I pulled my phone out of my purse.

" okay Um Gary could you take a photo of Niall and I with them?" I asked and he nodded grabbing my phone from my hand.

Niall wrapped his arm around me and he kissed my cheek and I smiled.

" say cheese" Gary said.

" cheese" we said as the flash went off.

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