Chapter 12

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After we swum for around 3 hours and then sun baking for around 2. It was now 5 in the afternoon and we were in the little fish and chip shop across from the beach. We were waiting for our number to be called.

" ugh man I'm hungry" I groan.

" so am I" niall huffed.

" 547" the last called. I looked at our ticket and it was our number.

" yes!" I said jumping up and power walking to the food

" thank you" I say as I grabbed the food and walked out of the shop, niall following behind me.

" where do you want to eat it?" I ask him.

" what about that picnic table over there?" He said pointing to the little table across from the beach in the park.

" looks good" I say as we walked over there. I put the food down and we both sat down and started eating.

" mmm this is good" niall says eating a piece of fish.

" I so agree!" I say.

After we were finished we went for a walk down on the shore of the beach and took some photos and selfies. After it was getting dark we decided to head back to nialls.

" Darcy" niall says

" yeah?" I say looking at him.

" I know" he said.

" you know what?" I chuckled. I was so confused.

" Harry, he told me everything" he said and my eyes went wide.

" wow I thought he forgot you know with his new family and everything" I said rolling my eyes.

" darc, why didn't you tell me?" He said

" I don't know because when you usually meet someone you fancy you don't tell them that there brother ditched them and is actually living with you" I say.

" darc, he didn't ditch you" he said in a soft voice and it was annoying me.

" Niall can we please not talk about this and it's between harry and I. " I say.

" okay let's go home" niall smiled grabbing my hand.

We were almost there when a fan came running towards us and fell over. We tried not to piss ourselves laughing as she quickly stood up and asked niall for a photo and a signature. After she walked away I started laughing really loudly as we started walking again.

" holy shit that was so funny! " I laugh getting tears in my eyes. Niall started laughing too.

" I know right. I thought I was going to burst by keeping it in" he laughed. We finally got there and I saw the house. It was massive.

" don't you live in London?" I say to him.

" oh we have quiet a lot of houses. One here and one in London and then I have my own apartment in Ireland. " Niall smiled as he grabbed my hand and we walked to the gates. He put the passcode in and the doors opened. We walked up the drive way to the front door.

I started laughing again as it played in my head again.

" why Ya laughing?" He grinned.

" about the fan" I said and he started laughing.

" your still laughing at that?" He said.

" yes! Oh my god it was hilarious. It was like" I ran in front of him and turned around and started running forwards him. " oh niall" I said and then I fake fell over. " smash!" I say. Niall said pissing himself laughing.

" that was perfect" he laughed.

" I'm a good actor aye" I say doing a twirl.

" the best" he said as he grabbed my hand and we walked to the front door. He went to open the door but it was locked.

" shit I forgot my keys. There inside" he groaned and I laughed. He pressed the doorbell.

" COMING!" Someone yelled as they came running to the door.

" NIA- who's this?" The boy smirked.

" Louis this is Darcy. Darcy this is Louis." Niall said. " the crazy one" he whispered in my ear causing me to laugh.

" what was that?!" Louis said as we walked in.

" nothing lou Lou " niall laughed as we walked into the lounge room.

" guys this is Darcy" niall smiled widely as he squeezed my hand. He must have noticed I was nervous.

" hello Darcy!" Two guys said.

" oh Darcy that's Liam" niall said pointing to the brown headed on. " and that's zayn" he aid pointing to the black/ very dark brown headed boy.

" lovely to meet you Darcy" they said.

" you too" I smile.

" what you playing?" Louis said walking into the room.

" COD" Liam said.

" again" Louis rolled his eyes taking a seat.

" well were going to bed" niall said.

" use protection!" Louis said laughing.

" oh god shut up Louis" niall laughed and I laughed too.

" goodnight Darcy" the boys said.

" goodnight guys" I say.

" oh and Darcy" Liam said and I looked at him.

" yes?"

" make yourself at home okay" Liam winked.

" thank you" I smile as niall takes my hand again and we walk up to his room.

" sorry about Louis" niall winked.

" it's fine. He's funny" I smile.

" NIALL YOUR H-" harry said coming out of his room but stopped when he saw me.

" Darcy?" He said.

" oh your harry right?" I say smiling.

" Darcy" he said sadly.

" well lovely to meet you bye" I said as I walked past niall and Harry. I didn't even know where I was going.

" Niall I don't know where your room is" I laugh standing in the hallway

" it's right there" he laughed pointing to the door. I nodded my head and walked in but seeing it was the toilet. I walked out.

" I love your design" I smirk walking back over to him and hit him.

" I know right all the guys are jealous" niall laughed.

" Darcy can we please talk?" Harry said. He was about to crying. Wow that's weird I've never seen him cry.

" Ugh" I say and niall looks at me.

" go" he smiled as I walked over to harry and followed him in his room.

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