Chapter 29

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"Another one!" The Jacob, tom and Joel yelled at me.

I grabbed another shot and tipped my head back. The burning feeling was disappearing and I can't even remember how many I have had.

God that was my like tenth.

Fuck I'm drunk.

I start laughing and the three boys laugh with me for no reason. Well we are all drunk.

" let's dance with the rest of them!" Tom yelled over the music jumping off the stool and giving me his hand.

" wanna dance?" He asked.

" I would love to" I giggle grabbing his hand. As we walked to the dance floor Joel and Jacob followed.

" hey guys!" Rosie yelled over the music as the four of us walk over to the rest of the group and start dancing.

Someone grabbed my waist and pushed me into there hips as I started thrusting on them.

The group and I were dancing for hours and I kept getting offered drinks that I took because I felt like it was rude to say no.

" tommmmm do you have any weed?" I ask.

" sorry babe not tonight" he said as we started dancing again.

I saw Rosie and Lexi dancing together so I went over to them and started laughing and dancing with them.

" okay whoever goes home with a guy gets fifty dollars" Lexi said and Rosie and I nodded.

" deal" we said all shaking hands as we danced.

" hello girls" a guy around our age, really hot may I add came over to us.

" hey wanna dance with us?" Rosie asked him.

" I would love to" he smirked as we danced sexually around him.

I noticed Lexi kept touching his dick and ass. He grabbed her and starting kissing her. They grabbed hands and ran off.

" that escalated quickly" I laugh and Rosie joins in nodding.

" wanna 'dance' to get the boys attention" she smirked.

And because I was that drunk.

" let's do it. " I said as she grabbed my hand and we walked to the first of the dance floor where the DJ was and started dancing sexually together.

I promise I'm not lesbian, this is just how we get boys in matter of seconds instead of minutes.

A guy came over and started dance with us and I noticed that Rosie wanted to be alone with him and I needed to go to the toilet so I excused myself and walked to the bathroom.

" hey babe" I heard someone say behind me. Probably some drunk. I turned around anyway and saw Ross full on drunk.

" Having fun Ross?" I ask.

" yeah babe I am but I wanted a dance with you. " he said as he stumbled towards me. He grabbed my face and put his lips onto mine. They were rough and full of want. I kissed back being the drunk I am.

I couldn't really think straight as we did it but as i feel the pleasure running through me, I groaned out-

" Niall! "

He stopped and looked at me.

" what was I thinking?" Ross said as he pulled out and put his boxers and pants on and left the bathroom.

I was left there alone with my thoughts. I just had fucking had sex with my ex boyfriend.

I pull my underwear put on and look in the mirror fixing my hair and walk out of the bathroom.

I looked around and saw half of my group at the bar getting for shots an the other on the dance floor.


My phone was going off in my pocket. I stopped dancing with the unknown guy and answered my phone going to somewhere more quiet.

" darcy?" Someone asked on the other side of the phone.

" ugh yes?" I asked still shocked I had sex with my ex boyfriend.

" I just went to your house and you weren't there. Where are you?" Someone asked.

" who is this exactly?" I ask rubbing my head. I had a massive headache.

" your boyfriend. Now where are you?"

" niallllllll!" I say. Fuck I have a boyfriend! Oh god I've ever cheated and I just did. Fuck fuck fuck.

" are you drunk darcy styles?" He asked.

" it's called having fun" I groan.

" darcy I swear I'll get your brother on the phone" he threatened.

" do it. He'll just run off again. I don't give a fuck" I say rolling my eyes.

" I'll ask you one more time. Where are you?"

" I actually have no idea" I chuckle.

" this isn't funny darcy"

" ugh I'm at some fancy club near the LA beaches. I think"

" okay I know where your talking about. I'll be there soon" he said and hung up.

" what the fuck am I going to do" I say to myself.

Oh well gotta get back. It's my party so why aren't I partying.

I walked back to the dance floor and I couldn't see anyone I recognised.

Someone grabbed my hips and I started thrusting on them.

I'm about ten minutes I noticed I was getting lead outside but someone.

" Niall?" I ask.

" God you smell like alcohol" He said pissed off.

Hope he can't smell a cheater.

" sorry" I said as he dragged me out of the club.

I screamed when we walked out. There were flashing Cameras everywhere. All around me. I hid behind Niall as we pushed though the lights.

" why is your girlfriend so drunk Niall?"

" darcy so it's true your brother is Harry styles?"

So many questions being pushed at us as we made our way to the car and got in.

We both breathed out and Niall started the car and we drove off leaving the flashing lights behind.

" that was crazy!" I start to laugh.

" it's not funny darcy" Niall frowned.

" God way to ruin my night grumpy pants" I cross my arms.

" let's just get home" he said.

" NIALL I DON'T WANT TO GO HOME!" I yelled and then boom everything went black.

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