Chapter 16

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" well Darcy, hello!" Ryan said. He's the one who has all these parties. " I see you brought a friend, guess I don't get that dance with you this time" he winked

" yeah sorry ry" I smile as we hugged.

" I still get to hit on you right. He won't kill me" Ryan laughed letting go.

" he's not my boyfriend actually" I said.

" oh then do I still get the dance" he winked.

" oh piss off Ryan, you ain't getting not frikin lap dance" lexi hissed.

" woh! It's someone's time of the month" he smirked.

" oh go fuck yourself Ryan!" Rosie rolled her eyes.

" whatever" he chuckled.

" at least one of you like me" he winked at me and slapped my ass.

" Excuse me! I yelled as I slapped him right on the cheek.

" your a fucking pedo!"I yell as he falls to the ground holding his cheek.

What can I say, I have a good arm. I'm used of slapping guys.

" your a fucking loser" Rosie spat as we walked over to the group of guys as we high fived each other.

" probably the best bitch slap I've seen so far Darcy" lexi winked.

" oh I totally agree" I laugh.

" OI Darcy your fucking boyfriend is hilarious!" Joel said holding his stomach from laughing to hard. I looked around and saw all the boys laughing even Ross.

" he's quiet the joker" I wink as niall put his arm around my waist.

" but don't as funny as me. " I smirk up at Niall.

" bullshit!" Niall laughed.

It was around 7 at night and niall and I decided to leave as it was getting full on and we decided to go out of dinner. We were in the car driving to Nando's.

" that was fun" niall said.

" I'm sorry" I frowned.

" what about?" He said confused.

" that you were bored" I say.

" are you kidding! Those guys are so funny! But I don't think that Ross guy liked me. " Niall frowned.

" yeah probably because he's my ex boyfriend" I laugh.

" duh!" Niall chuckled as we parked at Nando's. We jumped out of the car as Niall grabs my hand and we walk into the shop.

" I'm glad you got to meet my friends" I grinned as we sat down.

" so do I" niall said.

We ordered out food and small talked until our food came.

" so Darcy. I was thinking on Tuesday night would you go on a date with me?" Niall grinned and I blushed.

" oh definitely nialler!" I smiled widely as I tried to hug him.

After we ate we went back to the boys house because the rest of the boys texted niall saying being Darcy back so we can have a movie night and that Harry had a surprise for me. I wonder.
When we got to the boys house we got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Niall grabbed my hand he knocked on the door. Harry opened it and hugged me.

" Darcy your back!" He smiled widely.

" what about narry!" Niall cried as harry pulled niall into a group.

" narry forever bro!" Harry said. They pulled apart and we walked in.

" so I got you a surprise" harry smirked.

" and where is it?" I said jumping up and down.

" in the lounge room" he smirk. I let go of niall hand and ran to the lounge room and saw my best friend.

" ALEXIA!" I scream as I jumped into her arms.

" DARCY!" She cried as we hugged for about 5 minutes. we were full on both crying.

" how'd you find me" I sniffed sitting on the lounge as she joined me.

" him. He texted me on Twitter and I got a free ride here" she said pointing to harry. I jumped up and hugged harry.

" thank you so much hazza! " I cried into his shoulder.

" anytime love" he smiled as i let go and sat back down.

Alexia and I talked for hours about our new life. She told me how all my old friends are doing and I told her about my new friends.

"I'll have to meet them one day" she said.

" oh you will!" I said.

We talked about boyfriends about our family's, college, schooling, future and like girl things and everything. After the boys had come down and we decided to all watch a movie.

I was snuggled into niall and I could see harry and alexia hugging in the darkness. I think they have a crush on each other. They would be so cute together. Your probably thinking EW why would you think your brother and best friend be good together. Well my brother isn't like a brother. He's like my best friend.

God I'm going to mess alexia when she leaves. Wait! What if harry and her date. That means that maybe she could come on tour with us! Oh my god! I'll never have to let her go again!

Oh my god! I need to get Alexia and harry together soon!

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