Holding on to You* || T. D'Arby

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Hehehehe pretty gamer boy. Idc what anyone thinks he's hot
Sweet sexy time in the bath... My favorite

Dio was gone now. And in his place was left the remains of very sad butler.

After "his lord's" defeat, Terence seemed a bit different. He wasn't as animated as before. He was left like one of his broken dolls, trapped in his bed, silently suffering. It broke your heart to see him in such a state. With time, he did heal, through body and mind. He ate and spoke, albeit softly. And he went back to creating life through his dolls, but they were left to decorate your selves. A slow process but seeing light behind his eyes again made you so very happy.

You kissed at his jaw, feeling up the taut muscles of his shoulders as another night was used tirelessly fixing up doll clothes. The other hand played with his freed hair, beautiful green tresses tangling in your fingers. He felt so strong underneath you. "Terence, you've done great, but you should head to bed now."

He set down his needle and thread to relax better into you with his head set comfortably between your breasts. He hummed sweetly in your arms enjoying how your hand left his shoulder to curl around his neck, scratching at the nip of his neck now. You coddled him like a baby in your arms, waiting patiently for him to answer.

"You're right... I think I should bathe first, though."

"Let me draw you a bath." You kissed him once more before leaving the warmth of your now husband.

The steam clouded the mirror and fogged the tiles and mind. Soap bubbles- just the right amount, enough to hide the bottom of your well sized tub but not too many to crowd. It smelt of lavender and mint and left your mind pleasantly buzzing with relaxation. Perfect for your love.

He entered only once you let him, still wearing old sleepwear from last night. He still had those rings around his eyes, but they were fading, surely. He looked tired- he had to be tired, it was nearing two in the damn morning anyway.

"All of this for me?" He laughed it off, but you knew he appreciated it. "It'll be quick, I promise." His fingers slid down to the buttons of his nightshirt, begining the process of undressing but you stopped him quickly. "Please, let me. Please?" You smiled at him so sweetly, how could he refuse?
Terence let you unbutton his shirt, one button after the other to reveal his perfect body. Muscle was lost in the passing years, replaced with a slight pudge in his belly, but he was perfect. As your hands spread across his hips and you pressed your mouth onto his heating skin in delicate and harsh kisses, you licked at his soft skin tasting the faintest traces of salt in that humid room. His hazel eyes glassed over in lust, he never expected such a pleasant surprise. "I wanna take care of you, Terence." To prove your point, you nibbled at his chin, slowly rubbing up his hips to his exposed chest. "Let me make you feel good."

Terence bit his breath once his feet came into contact with the hot water. He sunk leisurely into the water until it reached just below his pecs. He relaxed back in the tub while you took the pleasure of wetting and sudding up his chest with your washcloth. You didn't mind it when your clothes stuck wet to you once you leaned over to steal his lips in a hot make-out. You couldn't help yourself, seeing him all wet and slick tested your restraint and you lost. Your husband relaxed into the hand rested on his cheek as you finally pulled away from your hot kiss. He always left you hot and breathless, and that way he looked at you made your core throb. "Such a handsome husband I have." You cooed to Terence as you kneaded his jaw. He moaned softly only fanning the fire in your loins. "Such, such a caring wife I have... I love you."

"I love you too Terence." And you smooched him wetly on his cheek.

Next came his hair after you washed him free of suds. You made sure to keep his face clean as you brushed out the jade locks, appreciating their softness. Careful to not get soapy water in his eyes, you wet his hair and massaged shampoo and conditioner into his scalp. Terence truly looked like he was in Heaven, eyes lolled closed, soft sighs through his nose. Such a cute sight~, you made sure to coddle him more before the water went cold.

Once he was finally cleaned he tried to get out but you only pushed him back down.
"Hm..? Habibti?" He raised an eyebrow. "Sush," You leaned over him in the bath, where the ends of your hair threatened to touch the water, and made sure he didn't try to leave. The covered hand on his chest went down under the water to grab his cock. Gently with a teasing friction, you rubbed him through the cloth, squeezing firmly. You felt him hardening in your palm.

Those hazel puppy eyes blown wide, his pupils threatening to consume his irises. His breaths stuttered and wheezed, he panted hard close to your lips but not quite there. You quickened the pace, you drew him near that sweet release, stray whimpers left his kissable lips, but you left his rock hard length before he could cum. You massaged circles into his thighs. Once his muscles stopped spasming and he left the edge of pleasure you continued again. You tortured him all over again, teasing his release and stopping again. Your thumb teased at his cock's head and slit, waiting for him to crumble.

"Fu... P-Please don't tease me, Dear-mph!" You quickly shut him up with a passionate kiss. Your tongue fought against his breathy moans to tangle with his and claim his throat. His fingers twitched and clawed at the porcelain tub. The water grew to a frenzy again once you started to pump his crying dick. Terence's moaning only pitched twofold, his member was unbelievably hot in your hand and felt harder as his orgasm built up.

You pulled away from his mouth, your tongue snaked out with a string of saliva to connect you two. It broke once you spoke your command. "Cum for me, habibi albi."

Oh, fuck.

Terence's eyes rolled back once he came, his cumshot got lost in the turbid waters as he was left boneless. You watched him sink back into the tub with his tongue lolled out and droopy eyelids. He was cute to watch in his downtime, aways has been. He let out a cute squeak when you pecked his temple.
"Let's get you out of that water and dressed, good looking." His nod of agreement was slow and tired, definitely ready for bed now.

You rubbed him dry with a towel, and dried his hair to the best of your abilities before combing it out. You gave him a kiss on his neck before you finally got his new nightwear from the closet.

"There. Dressed up in your late night best~" You teased once he was curled up under blankets in bed. You quickly joined him, and he immediately adapted to the new body besides him. Terence draped himself over you like a cat seaking heat, and you didn't mind a bit. You held his head close to your heart, playing with his hair and scalp, kissing his crown.

"Wuv you." Terence muttered against your bust. He was already slipping away into sleep, he couldn't even open his eyes. You hummed, and placed one more smooch. "I wuv you too, Terry baby. Sleep well Habibi."

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