Lover Boy || Paco Lovelantes

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SORRY IF SOME OF THE PARAGRAPHS LOOK WONKY I'M COPYING THIS OFF MY TUMBLR VERSION! At least this one's edited. Also warnings for text speech and the "one bed" trope because I feel it in my bones Usagi would text like that and I KNOW he'd try to set his friends up to date.
Ever since your first mission with Jodio and his team, Paco despised you. You couldn't tell why, for all you knew, there wasn't anything you'd done to irk the guy. You got along well with Dragona, Usagi was happy to have someone new, hell, it was Jodio who introduced you to the group. So why the hell was Paco so against it?

Paco wasn't up front with his disdain against you, but you could read between the lines. He was meaner when he talked to you, unlike the others, took any chance he could to manhandle you and even went as far as leaving bruises where he grabs. And worst of all Paco treated you like a child. You were never allowed to do anything around the bastard. You hated it. Paco could treat you like shit, but you would bite back, too.

Currently you were stuck in a hotel. It was your job to grab the rooms at a nearby hotel while the others made some last minute plans for the latest mission. Nothing big, but it was pretty important. The clock on your phone read 6:26. You were early, but waiting in the hot sun and carrying heavy bags in such a dodgy part of the city was a big no go.

"Hi~! I'm here to check in under Joestar? I am a bit early, I hope that won't be a problem~!" You tried on your cheeriest facade, despite how the pitch of your voice grinded on your nerves. The man behind the counter seemed to enjoy it, unlike you. The sound of your happy voice made him perk up in the slightest. "Hello! Here, let me see... Ah, yes, we have two rooms under the name! It says you're supposed to check in at 6:30, but being four minutes early shouldn't be a problem!" He entered something into a computer you couldn't see. The loud taps on the keyboard echoed in the empty entrance room. "Rooms are already paid for... I'll just need to see some ID to make sure you're twenty-one or older."


Without missing a beat, you grabbed the fake license in your pants pocket, "'Course, sir!"

You had faith in Dragona's skill in making fake IDs, didn't make it any less nerve wracking to be checked. What a stupid rule. One wrong step and your plans for the next three days would blow up in your face.
The young man behind the counter studied your card closely. This time you heard the keyboard clatter followed by the click of a mouse. Every jab at the plastic keys felt like a nail in your coffin.

He knew it was a fake. He was waiting for you to crack. There was no way a check-in normally took this long.

"And done! Thank you for waiting, the internet has been acting slow lately,"

He gave you your driver's license back along with two plastic cards. "Those are your room keys; don't lose them! They'll give you access to the pool, as well as the laundry room. You'll go to the third floor using the elevator down your left, rooms 308, and 309, on your right!"

"Alrighty! Thank you, sir!" You blew him a teasing kiss before grabbing your bags and scurrying to find the elevator. Once you entered and jabbed your finger into the button marked with a fading 3, you shot Usagi a text.
Rooms are secured

ur rm is 309 relax untl we get there. u deserve it!!!
(Translation: Great. Your room is 309, relax until we get there, you deserve it.)
You roll your eyes but smile fondly at Usagi's stupid way of texting. "Green" and "Pinkie" said they'd be here to retrieve you in an hour or two, so that gave you plenty of time to clean yourself up. A whole hour in a nicely air conditioned room and you didn't have to do jack shit. Sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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